Nuance Healthcare Solutions
Special Edition

Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

January 2018, Volume 5, Number 1  

Greetings EmailDisplayName!

Nuance is pleased to present you with a Special Edition of eTips, highlighting the new Nuance Healthcare Support Platform.

Getting Started:

eTip 1: Customer Resources

eTip 2: Navigating the New Support Platform

eTip 3: Creating a Support Case

eTip 4: Automation and Call Routing Improvements

Additional Resources:

eTip 5: Chatting with a Live Agent

eTip 6: Knowledge Base Articles

eTip 7: Adding New Community Users


Contacting support   |  Connect with us


Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

We're excited to announce the launch of the new Nuance Healthcare Support Platform.

Our new support platform has an array of enhancements, including:

  • Self-service ability to create, view, edit, and receive updates on support cases.
  • Various modes of engagement including phone, web, email, and chat.
  • Knowledge library of articles about Nuance products, updates, and FAQs.
  • Streamlined and intuitive Nuance Healthcare website navigation.

To log into the new platform:

  • If you received an email (on Sunday evening EST) with new account information, please follow the instructions to activate your account.
  • If you don't have an existing Nuance support account, follow these instructions to register.

Thank you for the opportunity to support you.




This Month's eTips

eTip 1

New customer resources available for the Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

Important new resources available on the new support platform include:


eTip 2

Navigating the Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

The new support infrastructure provides Nuance Healthcare customers an easier way to log, monitor, and update support requests. The new platform also allows customers to communicate with Nuance support representatives through various methods of engagement, including chat, web, email, and phone.

Once you have logged in, you can navigate the support platform to use self-service help, allowing you to view, edit and receive updates on service requests (known as "cases"); and communicate with Nuance and peers through various methods of engagement.


Below is a brief overview of each of the new support platform areas.

From the global Search area, you can:

Search area

Top Navigation

Search Perform queries in the Search bar.


  • Type full sentences, words, or phrases, with search operators such as " ", OR, AND, NOT, or wildcards * in the Search bar, then click Search.
Read your notifications by clicking the Notifications icon to see a list of existing notifications.

Notification List

User Settings

Access and edit the following user settings by clicking the down arrow:

  • My Profile
  • My Settings
  • My Account
  • Logout or Login

Profile Account Settings

You can access Tina Help:

Need Tina help menu

Tina Access

Need Tina Help Select your product and access Tina Help.
Tina for Healthcare

You can use the pull-down navigation selections to:


Pulldown Navigation

Home Home Navigate back to the main Nuance Healthcare Support Platform page.
Topics Access the following information:

Topic s

Groups Become an active member of a chat group or you can start a group and communicate with your peers.
Cases Check the status of all your cases.
Environments View the environments available to your account.

We've also provided menus for you to:


Nuance Healthcare Products See the latest Nuance products available.
Product Updates Find information on the latest product updates.
FAQS Read the most frequently asked questions.
Nuance Partners Access information about Nuance Partners.
Downloads Access available downloads for your products.
Insiders Stay up-to-date with the latest Insider Community news and information.

You can contact on-line support to:



Contact support Create a new support case.
Ask a question Ask a question in a group or in The Insiders community..
Chat with agent Communicate online with a live Nuance support agent

You can read and stay informed about the latest trending topics by products.



eTip 3

Creating a Support Case in the Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

Once you log into the support portal, you can contact us and create your own case if you need Technical Support to solve an issue.

To contact support and create your own case:

  1. From the Contact Support list, select your support product. In this example, Diagnostics Support is selected.

    Contact Support

    The Contact Diagnostics Support page displays.

    Contact Diagnostics Support

  2. Complete all the required fields as indicated by the *.

    Required Fields
    All fields identified by * are required. Notice that the Contact Name automatically fills in with the log in name and the Support Group is assigned.


    Select one of:


    *Case Urgency


    Select one of:

    Case Urgency
    *Subject Enter a subject that best describes the case.

    Select one of:


    *Description Enter a description that best describes the case.
    Version Information If known, please enter the product version information.
    On Behalf Of If you are a Partner submitting this case on behalf of your client, please let us know.

    In this example, the following fields were filled in:

    Completed Case

  3. Click Confirm.

    The Case is opened and a case owner is assigned. You will see a new Case page display with the Details of the Case Information you entered. For example:

    Case Record

    You will be contacted by an assigned Technical Support Case Owner.



eTip 4

Automation and call routing improvements when calling the Technical Support Call Center

In concert with the launch of our new support platform, Nuance has also made improvements when calling our Healthcare Technical Support Call Center. Our Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) with Salesforce provides for:

  • Faster navigation for our customers to technical product assistance or other assistance
  • Automated processing of collected customer data for our agents

The automation and call routing improvements did not impact the telephone number used for Nuance Healthcare Technical Support. Customers will still contact Nuance Healthcare Technical Support using the same telephone number used prior to the transition to the new support platform: 800-833-7776.

Call routing improvements have also been made. The welcome greeting will direct customers to either speak the product name for which they are requesting support or say "Other" if calling for reasons other than technical support. Below is the updated call routing script:

"Please listen as our message has changed as follows...
Thank you for calling Nuance Healthcare Technical Support.
What product are you calling about?"

Say the product you are calling about from the following selections:

  • Dragon Medical
  • PowerShare
  • Diagnostic Solutions
  • Coding or CDI Solutions
  • eScription LH
  • Enterprise Speech Systems
  • Depot Repair

"If you are not sure, say 'Products' and a list will become available for you to select from. If you are calling for some other reason other than technical support, please say 'Other'. You can select from any of the following:"

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Company Directory
  • Maintenance Contracts
  • Sales
  • Training
  • Order Status
  • Support Platform Registration and Assistance

  • New Note: Support Platform Registration and Assistance is a new, dedicated team that assists customers with registration, login, and user community issues.



eTip 5

Chatting with a live agent on the Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

Customers can communicate via online chat with Technical Support and receive assistance from a live agent.

To chat with a live agent:

  1. From the support portal, click Chat with Agent.

    The Product Family selection page displays.

    Prodct Family

  2. From the Product Family list, select your product, and then click Chat With Agent. In this example, Diagnostics Solutions is selected.

    New Note: If a live agent is unavailable, you can try to connect to an agent at a later time, or you can create a case or call our Nuance Technical Support toll free number.

    The "Connecting to Agent" dialog displays.

    Connecting to Agent

    The "live agent" dialog displays.

    Live Chat Hello

  3. Write a message, and then click Send to communicate back and forth with the live agent.

    Write message

  4. If you want a Transcript of the live chat session, click Save Chat.

    A text file of the Transcript is saved.


  5. Click the transcript file open, and you can then save it to your local workstation.



eTip 6

Knowledge Base Articles within Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

From the customer home page on the support portal, Community users can search for Knowledge Base articles by following the steps below:

New Login

  1. Use the global Search bar at the top of the home page.

    Top Navigation

  2. Type a character string to search on for the content you wish to find.


    Note: The following search operators can be used:

    • Wildcards * (asterisk)
    • Quotes " "
    • AND, OR, NOT


    Note: Oracle iSupport Solutions have also been migrated to the new support portal and the original iSupport solution numbers reside in these articles under the Legacy KB Key field. Customers can utilize iSupport solution numbers for their searches.

    For example, searching for the original iSupport solution number "14274" will include the article "DMNE Client Software Downloads" in the search results.

  3. Click the blue-colored, article link to open the article.
  4. The search results can be filtered further by clicking any of the four (4) additional categories to the left.

  5. Each Category can be refined further by sorting.

    For example, the Discussion category can be sorted by Top Questions, Latest Posts, or Most Recent Activity. The Articles category is typically sorted by Relevance.


    Note: Article ranking within the Search Results can be influenced by the following factors:

    • Keyword matching and frequency
    • Matching search terms within the article title
    • Articles most-viewed
    • Articles frequently attached to cases

  6. A search preview window listing top results is opened and dynamically updated as customers type search strings in the Search Bar.

  7. Customers can also click the Ask the Community link (shown above) at the bottom of the Search preview window to post a question directly to a product-based, discussion forum.

  8. Enter your product from the drop-down menu, type your question and click Ask.

    You can access these forums from your Trending Topics area in the lower-right corner of your home page.

    Trending Topics


eTip 7

Adding new Community Users to the Nuance Healthcare Support Platform

Customers can submit requests to add new Community Users to the new support platform.

To add new members:

  1. Click or copy the following link into your browser address bar:

    The Nuance Healthcare Support Log in page is displayed:

  2. Click Not a member?.

    The Sign Up page is displayed:

  3. On the Sign Up page, enter your first name, last name, email address, and then create and confirm a password.

    New Note: Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters.
  4. Click Sign Up.

    The Welcome to Nuance Healthcare Support Home page is displayed:

    New Login


    Note: Until you receive your acceptance email from Nuance, your access to the Nuance Healthcare Support Platform will be limited by excluding the Contact Support and Need Tina Help features.

  5. Once you receive your acceptance email from Nuance, follow the instructions to log back in. You will now have access to all the features provided through your login permissions.

    New Log in


Contact Support

Support is available for our customers with active maintenance contracts by calling toll-free:
(800) 833-7776.

When prompted, say "Products" or "Other".
Say your product or other subject from the list below:

Products Other
  • Dragon Medical
  • PowerShare
  • Diagnostic Solutions
  • Coding or CDI Solutions
  • eScription LH
  • Enterprise Speech Systems
  • Depot Repair

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Company Directory
  • Maintenance Contract
  • Sales
  • Training
  • Order Status
  • Support Platform Registration and Assistance
Connect with us
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  Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.


© 2018 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.