You can start the PowerScribe 360 | Reporting application from an icon on your desktop, or in some installations, from within a PACS system.
To log in to PowerScribe 360 | Reporting:
1. Double-click the Nuance PowerScribe 360 desktop icon.
2. Type the user name and password provided by your administrator.
3. If this is your first login:
Depending on your system configuration, you might be prompted to change your password on your first login. Type the new password in both fields and then click OK.
You are prompted run the Audio Setup Wizard to create your speech files. Follow the prompts displayed by the Wizard.
4. If you have more than one role at this site, for example, if you are both a resident and an attending physician, you are prompted to specify the role you want to use for this session. Select the role and click OK.
There is a short delay while the speech files are loaded onto your workstation. Once they have been loaded, the
PowerScribe 360 | Reporting window opens.
To log out:
To log out and close the application completely, click on the X (close window icon), in the upper right corner of the application, or select File > Exit from the menu bar.
To log out and return to the login window, click File > Logout.
If you have more than one microphone attached to your computer, the PowerScribe 360 | Reporting application detects all microphones on your computer and displays them in a drop-down list on the login window. You can choose a default dictation device from the list. (If the system detects only one microphone attached to your computer, this drop-down list does not appear.)
If your institution allows you access to more than one PowerScribe 360 | Reporting server, you can add the servers to your computer so that they appear in a drop-down list on the login screen. If you add servers, you can select which server to connect to at each login. (If you or your system administrator have not added any servers to your system, this drop-down list does not appear and you will be connected to the default server for your facility.)
1. From the PowerScribe 360 | Reporting login window, click File > Manage Servers.
The Manage Servers dialog box opens.
2. Click Add. The Server dialog box opens.
3. Fill in the Name and RAS URL for the server. (You can get this information from your PowerScribe 360 | Reporting system administrator.)
NOTE:Each RAS URL must end with /RAS in order for server communication to occur properly. |
4. When finished, click OK. The server you added now appears in the Manage Servers list. Note that from this dialog box you can now select a server to Edit or Remove (with the exception of your default server).
5. Click OK to close the dialog box or click Add to add another server.
After you close the Manage Servers dialog box, your login screen displays the Server drop-down list with the Default Server item initially selected. If you want to use a server other than the default, click the drop-down list to select the server you added to your system.