Nuance Healthcare
Nuance Management Center 6.3 includes system optimizations to improve resiliency and the following changes:
New HIM Reporting Pending Analysis privilege available
You can now purchase and import the ED Guidance license. The Clinical Decision Support Content Pack becomes available when you purchase and import the ED Guidance license.
** This functionality is not yet available for use. It will be included in Dragon Medical One version 5.1. Contact Nuance Technical Support with any questions.
The Dragon Medical One user settings are now available in the Nuance Management Center console on the Dragon Medical One ribbon. Configuring the settings in the console allows administrators to:
You can configure settings at the organization, site, or group levels. You cannot configure settings for individual users.
Note: The Speech Recognition Product Name system setting determines the product name that appears in the Nuance Management Center console for these settings. The Help uses the default value, Dragon Medical One, to refer to the settings and related pages.
For more information, see the following Help topics: "About Dragon Medical One settings", "Viewing Dragon Medical One settings", "Managing Dragon Medical One settings", and "Manage Dragon Medical One User Options page".
The following improvements have been made to the specialty fields that appear on the User Account Details—Specialty tab:
When you import users in bulk, you can now export any error messages that may occur during the import process to allow you to resolve the errors. There is now a Save as CSV button available on the Import Results page when the import process finishes.
For more information, see the "Working with user accounts" topic in the Help.
There is now a new HIM Reporting Pending Analysis privilege available for the NMC administrator and Reporting roles. The privilege allows users to generate, view, subscribe and download the Pending Analysis Report.
Note: The report itself is not yet available for use.
User logins and passwords can now include extended characters, such as umlauts.
There is a new section and two new settings on the Organization Details—Products—Dragon Medical Advisor tab to support the Clinical Strategies feature in Dragon Medical Advisor. In the Dragon Medical Advisor Endpoint Configuration section, there are the following fields:
One of the following:
There is a Local Authenticator installation and configuration guide available in the following location:
The Local Authenticator is required for Nuance-hosted cloud customers who want to implement single sign-on.
6.2 release notes
6.0 release notes