Release notes for Dragon Medical 360 | Direct 1.5

New features

Select & say voice commands

Select & say introduces new commands that enable end users to navigate, select and correct text via voice. Selection commands enable users to select text or text ranges by saying the text they want to highlight; once highlighted they can correct via over-dictation, typing or selecting recognition/formatting alternatives. For more information, see the end user help.

Step-by-step voice commands

Step-by-step commands replace the personal custom command feature introduced in DM360 Direct 1.4. Step-by-step commands offer richer functionality and enable end users to create macros using simple building blocks. Existing personal custom commands will be automatically upgraded to step-by-step commands when users log on to DM360 Direct for the first time. The Manage Commands dialog box is opened from the DM360 Direct application menu.

Undo voice commands

Users can use the new undo and redo voice commands to revert changes to editor contents. How these commands behave depends on the text control's built-in undo functionality. Not all applications support multi-level undo/redo functionality.


Text size: Increased performance of DM360 Direct in documents with a large amount of template data or dictated text.

Important information

Scratch that

The way the scratch that voice command works has been changed. Scratch that now removes sections of text as they were inserted into the application for dictated text and single words for typed text.

Solved issues

DM360 Direct 1.5 includes all improvements and fixes delivered in DM360 Direct 1.4 service releases. For more information, see DM360 Direct 1.4 release notes.





Infrastructure changes in this release

Infrastructure changes planned for the next release

End-of-life: Third party environments

Support for third party environments is only valid as long as they are supported by the corresponding vendor and might be subject to other restrictions. Please contact Nuance Technical Support for details. For more information, see the documentation delivered with the third party product and supporting Nuance documentation.

When support by the vendor has stopped, Nuance will continue support if an issue is specific to the Nuance solution, within the limitations of the vendor’s and Nuance's end-of-life policy. This means that issues that are a combination of the vendor’s component and the Nuance solution cannot be supported.