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June 2014, Volume 6, Number 6


Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS where you will find tips about:

    eTIP 1: A setting that will automatically advance the cursor to the first field when a template is inserted. See eTIPS Video

    eTIP 2: A tool that is now available to update Dragon Medical profiles that are unable to open after upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7.

    eTIP 3: How to resolve missing Dictation Sources for Dragon Medical Clients.

Nuance Healthcare's Technical Support Team is excited to introduce complimentary quarterly webinars for our valued Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition and Dragon Medical Practice Edition customers! Click Featured Webinar for more information about this exclusive offering and learn how you can join.


Did you know there is a setting that will automatically advance the cursor to the first field when a template is inserted?

Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to configure and use the feature that will automatically advance the cursor to the first field when a template is inserted.

eTIPS Video

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Did you know a tool is now available to update Dragon Medical profiles that are unable to open after upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7?

This article introduces a command line tool that updates the audio.ini file in Dragon Medical profiles after upgrading a workstation from Windows XP to Microsoft ®Windows 7.

The Problem

After upgrading a computer from Windows XP to Windows 7, using the same hardware and the same computer name, the Dragon Medical profile's audio.ini file retains the same microphone type and the same computer name. The problem occurs because the audio.ini also retains the older operating system (OS) type, in this case, Windows XP. Dragon Medical now installed on Windows 7 attempts to read the older Windows XP OS type when opening the profile and fails.

Users can experience several symptoms due to the above scenario when attempting to open profiles with Dragon Medical:

  • User profiles having previously completed ASW, are now prompted to run ASW again.
  • A warning message is presented and after clicking OK the user is prompted to run ASW.
  • A warning message is presented and after clicking OK, an error message is displayed when ASW is started. After clicking OK on that error message, the user is returned back to the login screen.

Previously, the workaround was to manually remove any computer entries in the audio.ini file that were upgraded to Windows 7. As an alternative, a working computer entry in the audio.ini file for Windows 7 could be copied/cloned and then the computer name and microphone type could be modified for that computer. If the entire contents of audio.ini are removed or the file is deleted, the user will be prompted to run the Audio Setup Wizard (ASW), and would have to run it for each subsequent workstation (Dragon default configuration).

The Solution

With Microsoft sun-setting support for Windows XP, many customers are migrating to Windows 7. A solution to assist administrators with large deployments is now available in a command line tool.

The process involves the following steps:

  • Customer will produce a list of computer names that have been upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7 retaining the same computer name.
  • Customer will run the Tool to search for the listed computer names against the audio.ini file for all user profiles stored at the master profile location.
  • The failed computer entries, matching the search within each audio.ini file, will be removed.
  • The audio.ini files will be saved.
  • The version of the Profile's roaming.ver file will then be increased, causing Dragon Medical to update both the audio.ini file and the locally-cached profile at the next login.
  • When the user logs in for the first time on the upgraded workstation, they are prompted to run the ASW, once, for that workstation.

This solution applies to the following Dragon Medical products:

  • Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition
  • Dragon Medical Practice Edition
  • Dragon Medical Enterprise Edition

The Command Line Tool

The DgnAudioIni Tool executable (DgnAudioIni.exe) is used to update user profiles being opened on computers upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7 that have retained the same computer name.

DgnAudioIni.exe takes up to three (3) parameters:

DgnAudioIni.exe [-a] <profiles root folder> <upgraded file>

To learn more about the command line attributes for this tool including examples of command line syntax, log in to iSupport and review solution #16414 - Command line tool to fix roaming profile’s audio.ini file after OS update from XP to Win 7.

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started with iSupport.

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Did you know how to resolve missing Dictation Sources for Dragon Medical Clients?

Dragon Medical clients for the following products can lose their Dictation Source function if a client workstation is affected by an electrical power disruption.

  • Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DM360 | NE)
  • Dragon Medical Practice Edition (DMPE)
  • Dragon Medical Enterprise Edition (DMEE)

Two (2) specific scenarios have been reported:

  • Cannot add "Mic-in" as a Dictation source in the Dragon client’s Open Users dialog window
  • “PowerMic II” Dictation Source is no longer present in the Open Users dialog window. The provider may see only the “Mic-in” Dictation Source, but not the “PowerMic II”.  The provider can re-add the “PowerMic” II as a new Dictation Source as it is displayed in the list of Dictation Sources. However, that “PowerMic II” Dictation Source is never populated into the Open Users dialog window.

This issue can be identified in the dragon.log by the line:
Error: missing SpeakerLanguageID in [Profile path]\current\options.ini

This issue is typically caused by the following lines being removed from the Dragon profile's options.ini file after a power disruption:

  • SpeakerLanguageID=0
  • Created With Wizard=1
  • Dictation Source=18


For a profile where the “PowerMic II” is the primary Dictation Source, the above three (3) missing lines from the profile's options.ini file under the [Options] section can either be:

  • Restored from another options.ini
  • Restored from a backup copy of the profile
  • Simply added back by editing the options.ini file.

The “PowerMic II” Dictation Source should then reappear in the Open Users dialog window and function as expected.

The options.ini file is located under the user profile's \current sub-folder.

With the DM360 | NE product, or if the roaming profile feature is enabled for DMPE and DMEE products, the change to the options.ini file should be made to the master or roaming profile. Additionally, it would be best practice to make that same change to the locally-cached profile, or delete the locally-cached profile and allow the master or roaming profile to re-populate the locally-cached profile location.

Note: In order to add a new Dictation Source after experiencing this issue, minimally the setting “SpeakerLanguageID=0” will need to be added to options.ini.


Three (3) solutions are available to address this issue.

  1. A permanent fix was released in DM360 | NE 2.1 to prevent this issue from occuring. In this case, no manual .ini file modification is required. However, if a user profile is currently corrupted by this issue, please apply the second solution below to correct. The permanent fix should then prevent any further occurrences.
  2. An initial, corrective workaround was also made available in both DM360 | NE 1.0 Service Pack 5 and DM360 | NE 2.1, where if this issue has already occurred for a user profile, applying the nssystem.ini file modification below will automatically update the options.ini file, correcting this issue. Apply the following line manually to the nssystem.ini file under the [Settings] section:
  3. Add Missing PowerMic Dictation Source Line=1

    By default, the nssystem.ini file is located at:

    • (Windows 7)
    • (Windows XP)
      C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\

  4. Another preventative solution if either DM360 | NE 2.1 or DM360 | NE 1.0 SP5 versions are not installed is to revise the user profile so that a dictation source is not stored in the "voice” and “voice_container” folders. Only the initial dictation source created by the New User Wizard populates the “voice” and “voice_container” folders. All subsequent dictation sources, added after the initial dictation source, are populated to folders using a naming convention with their respective input device ID. This naming convention enables Dragon to identify the dictation source independent of the options.ini file. Meaning, these options.ini parameters are unnecessary, except to identify only the initial input device stored within the generic “voice” and “voice_container” folders.

    For example, if the PowerMic II input device is used, the key is to have the PowerMic II input device reside in dictation source folders other than the generic “voice” and “voice_container” folders. This can be accomplished with the following recommendation during user profile creation.

    In order to make this expedient for new users:

    1. Prepare a new user profile without General Training skip General Training).
    2. Start with a dictation source that will not be used, e.g. Microphone (Mic-in) in the New User Wizard.
    3. Once the user profile is created, force the Open Profile dialog to display with the option, then add the dictation source you plan to use, e.g. PowerMic II (make sure to skip General Training).
    4. Do not open the PowerMic II dictation source, but delete the first-created dictation source, e.g. the Microphone (Mic-in).
    5. Export the user profile and use this profile to setup new users by importing this user profile.

    For existing users that have profiles which are “trained” to some extent:

    1. Enable token-based authentication for the site in Nuance Management Console.
    2. Start Dragon on an administrators PC and access the user’s profile.
    3. In the Open Profile dialog, add a temporary dictation source which will not be used, e.g. Digital Recorder.
    4. Do not open the dictation source, but delete all the existing dictation sources.
    5. Add back any needed dictation sources (make sure to skip General Training) and do not open any dictation sources.
    6. Delete the temporary input source, e.g. Digital Recorder

Note: In either case, the users will need to run the Audio Setup Wizard whenever they open the PowerMic II dictation source.

New users will need to be instructed in how to start General Training (or incorporate into new user training). Alternatively, the forced General Training could be left on when preparing the exported New User profile.

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution #16072: Dragon Medical: Power Outage causes either missing PowerMic II Dictation Source or unable to add Mic-in Dictation Source.

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become a member.

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iSupportFeatured Webinar

Dragon Medical Technical Support will be presenting a quarterly customer webinar series called “Driven by Dragon”.  This one-hour web presentation will be hosted live by the Dragon Medical Support team and will cover subjects such as:

  • New Product and Software releases
  • Support Trends and Critical Issues
  • iSupport Tips and Best Practices
  • Quarterly Technical Spotlight
  • Question & Answer

This "Driven by Dragon" webinar series is scheduled for the second Thursday of each quarter.

Driven by Dragon - Webinar Schedule:

Webinar Schedule

Here are the webinar coordinates to participate in this event for the third quarter:

Driven By Dragon Webinar

Thursday, July 10, 2014
2:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time
Meeting Number: 734 017 263
Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)
Click here to start or join the online meeting

Audio conference information
866.682.6233 Passcode: 5861772#

Attendees will need to register when accessing this event through WebEx.  You will be asked for First/Last Name, Email, Job Title, Company Name, City, and State.

This webinar series will be recorded and made available through iSupport.

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iSupportWhat's New

For a complete listing of all updates for all released versions, login to iSupport and search for solutions:

#14274: Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition - What's New and Can I download the Current Version?"

#14640: Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • #16414 Command line tool to fix roaming profile's audio.ini file after OS update from XP to Win 7
  • #14418 eTIPS Video Library for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition & Dragon Medical Practice Edition
  • #14274 Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition What's New and Can I Download the Current Version?
  • #14120 eTIPS Newsletter Archive - Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition & Dragon Medical Practice Edition
  • #14111 Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition User Documentation
  • #16072 Dragon Medical: Power Outage causes either missing PowerMic II Dictation Source or unable to add Mic-in Dictation Source
  • #16292 Dragon Medical Practice Edition, version 2.1, release.
  • #16401 Windows Hosted Apache HTTP 2.4 Reference WebDAV Configuration for Dragon Medical | 360
  • #16397 DMNE 1.0 vSync disabled in mixed environment of client versions
  • #14723 Naturally Speaking appears to be running Windows compatibility mode message appears when launching
  • #16396 DMNE automated utility to cleanup non-essential data from user profiles
  • #14120 eTIPS Newsletter Archive - Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition & Dragon Medical Practice Edition

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply log in to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to view instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Healthcare Support team available 24x7x365 services customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

This organization can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems. It's available toll-free at 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. At the prompt simply say:

"Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Support" or
"Dragon Medical Practice Edition"

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

Nuance Depot Repair Service

Click here for a Web Form to submit a Depot Repair Service Request for Connexions Station (C-phone), Optic Mic, PowerMic, Philips Speech Mic, tape-based recording devices, digital recorders, etc. iSupport members can save time by simply logging in to iSupport and submitting a service request choosing "Depot" as the Request Type.

NOTE: There is no need to submit a Depot Repair Service Request on a PowerMic under a current Nuance Maintenance Contract. Call Nuance's Customer Account Management team at 800-339-7683 to get the broken PowerMic replaced. At the prompt simply say, "PowerMic Replacement."

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's customer support team is available at the following Nuance Technical Support websites:

Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition:

Dragon Medical Practice Edition:

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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