Nuance Healthcare Solutions

PowerScribe® 360 Reporting

Nuance January 2019, Volume 9, Number 1  

Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTips.

In this edition of eTips, you will find information about:

eTip 1: Adding/modifying properties of words in your speech vocabulary with the Vocabulary Editor.

eTip 2: Signing a report as an attending provider from a resident's workstation.

eTip 3: Cloning AutoText to assign ownership to other sites and users.


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Nuance Healthcare User Conference & Leadership Summit

Only 15 seats remain! Don't miss out on the Nuance Healthcare User Conference & Leadership Summit, March 31 – April 2, 2019 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort.

Register today using the code "Diag19" at checkout to receive $400 off the regular price of $499

Go to to register now!

Better follow-up.   Better care.

Better follow up. Better care.

The University of Rochester Medical Center is working to improve healthcare outcomes by ensuring that vital follow-up recommendations don’t “fall through the cracks” and patients with incidental radiology findings receive their recommended follow-up care in a timely manner. The results are impressive:

  • 500 tracked recommendations per month, with 91% of recommendations satisfactorily closed
  • A 29% increase in the recommended examination completion rate
  • An 80% reduced risk of delayed diagnoses

Click here to read the full URMC case study, then join us on January 31 at 1:00 pm EST to learn more about the impact missed follow-ups have on your patients, your department, and your organization; how to tackle the challenge of failed follow-up head on; how to help simplify the recommendation and communication process; and how to address and comply with legislation – like PA Act 112 – that requires proactive communication of test results and follow-up recommendations.

We hope you find the case study a valuable resource and look forward to having you join us on January 31.


This month's eTips

eTip 1

Did you know that you can use the Vocabulary Editor to manually add or modify properties of words in your speech vocabulary?

Along with being an access point to the Train Words dialog box for training pronunciation, the Vocabulary Editor allows you to add words to the speech vocabulary and modify word properties. The Vocabulary Editor provides access to the written form and spoken form (if different) of all words in the vocabulary.

To add a word to the speech vocabulary:

  1. Select Speech > Vocabulary Editor from the menu bar. The Vocabulary Editor dialog box opens.
  2. Vocabulary Editor

  3. In the Written form field, type the word as it is to appear in your documents.
  4. If the word is pronounced differently than it is spelled, type the word phonetically in the Spoken form field.
  5. Click Add. The word and its pronunciation are added to the vocabulary.

To modify the properties of a word in the vocabulary:

Caution: Modifying the properties of an existing word in the Vocabulary Editor is intended for advanced users. Use extreme care when making changes to word properties, because unexpected results can occur.

  1. Select Speech > Vocabulary Editor from the menu bar. The Vocabulary Editor dialog box opens.
  2. Select the word you want to change and click Properties.
  3. Make the changes as needed.
  4. Click OK.


eTip 2

Did you know that an attending provider can sign off a report from a resident's workstation while the resident is logged into the PowerScribe® 360 Reporting client?

If your PowerScribe® 360 Reporting system administrator has selected a specific permission for your site (Allow attending signoff on resident login), an attending provider can sign a report from your workstation while you are logged into the workstation.

To have an attending provider sign a report from your workstation:

  1. In the Explorer window, select the report you want the provider to sign. (Or you can open the report in Report Editor if you choose.)
  2. If you need to do so, click Tools > Change Attending and select the attending provider who is about to sign your report.
  3. Press the Shift key and click Approve (or press Shift+F12). The Confirm Password dialog box opens with the attending provider’s name shown next to the words Confirm for.

    Confirm Password

  4. Have the attending provider enter the password and click OK.


eTip 3

Did you know that you can clone AutoText to assign ownership to other sites and users?

 Tip: When selecting more than one AutoText, site, or user, use your Windows Shift and Ctrl keys to make multiple selections.

Cloning an AutoText allows you to select one or more AutoTexts and assign ownership to other sites and users.

To Clone an AutoText

  1. From the AutoText Manager area of the PowerScribe® 360 Reporting Client, search for and select one or more AutoText you want to clone.
  2. Right-Click the AutoText you selected and click Clone.


    The Assign Owners dialog box displays.

  3. Select one or more owners (sites or user accounts) and click Add.
  4. When finished, click OK. Depending upon factors, such as selecting more than one AutoText; default status; categorization; or if the AutoText already exists in the selected site or user account, one or more dialog boxes open asking how you want to manage these factors.





What's new

To view an expanded What's New listing, by product version, please log in to the Nuance Healthcare Community, and search for and select any of the following Knowledge articles, and then click on the What's New link.

PowerScribe® 360 Reporting

  • Search 6389 for the What's New for Providers or Administrators in v4.0
  • Search 7169 for the What's New in v3.5

mPower™ Clinical Analytics

  • Search 7063 for What's New in mPower™ Clinical Analytics

PowerScribe® Advanced Data Integration with ModLink

  • Search 7059 for ModLink User Documentation
Subscriber If you are not an Nuance Healthcare Community subscriber:
go to the Nuance Healthcare Community Customer page for information about how you get started.


What's fixed

The following PowerScribe® 360 software has been released:

PowerScribe® 360 Reporting V4.0.1 RadPortal Hot Fix US/UK (

The key defect fixed for this release is highlighted below:

  • Users attempting to edit a report through the web client are unable to use the RichTextEditor Component.

PowerScribe® 360 Reporting PushSharp.Apple.dll Hotfix Released

The key defect fixed for this release is highlighted below:

  • When a notification is sent to a PS360 mobile radiology user, RadBridge creates a TCP connection to the Apple notifier service using a DLL named PushSharp.Apple.dll.  This case fixes an issue where the TCP connections were being created but not cleaned up properly, causing memory usage to increase and ultimately a failure to create further connections. 

    This can be applied to ANY supported PowerScribe® 360 Reporting server.

To view an expanded What's Fixed listing, by product version, please log in to the Nuance Healthcare Community, and search for and select any of the following Knowledge articles, and then click on the Release Notes link.

PowerScribe® 360 Reporting

  • Search for 7030 for the v4.x Release Notes
  • Search for 7166 for the v3.x Release Notes

mPower™ Clinical Analytics

  • Search 7064 for the mPower™ Clinical Analytics Release Notes

PowerScribe® Advanced Data Integration with ModLink

  • Search 7059 for PowerScribe® Advanced Data Integration with ModLink Release Notes

Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS)

  • Search 6389 for the DNS Release Notes


Webinar series

To review a complete list of free PowerScribe® 360 Reporting PowerUser Webinars, log in to the Nuance Healthcare Community, and search for article 7298 PowerScribe® 360 Reporting PowerUser Webinars.



Nuance Healthcare Community

Nuance Healthcare Community

The Nuance Healthcare Community is an Internet-based support site with the following key benefits:

  • Network with your industry colleagues
  • Share experiences and best practices for using Nuance solutions
  • Provide feedback to Nuance about our solutions
  • Receive up-to-the-minute information from Nuance
  • Participate in roundtables and small-group events that provide access to Nuance leadership
  • Search knowledge articles
  • Log cases via the community
  • Interact with an agent through Live Chat

To become a member, click to begin your registration from the Nuance Healthcare Support page.

Available Resources on the Nuance Healthcare Community include:

Nuance Healthcare knowledge article updates:

A number of important articles have been added or reissued with updated information as follows:

  • 6359: eTips Newsletter Archives - PowerScribe® 360 Reporting
  • 6389: PowerScribe® 360 Reporting V4.0 Documentation
  • 5640: PowerScribe® 360 Reporting V3.5 Documentation
  • 7063: mPower™ Clinical Analytics Cloud Hosted
  • 7166: PowerScribe® 360 Reporting Release Notes for Version 3.x
  • 7030: PowerScribe® 360 Reporting Release Notes for Version 4.x
  • 7298: PowerScribe® 360 Reporting PowerUser Webinars

To see the details of any article, simply log in to the Nuance Healthcare Community and search for the knowledge article number or title.

Contact Support

Support is available for our customers with active maintenance contracts by calling toll-free:
(800) 833-7776.

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