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March 2014, Volume 6, Number 3

Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS where you will find tips about:

    eTIP 1: Using a Dragon Medical native voice commands to completely close the Dragon Medical client software. See eTIPS video.

    eTIP 2: Valuable information to provide when reporting a Dragon Medical issue to Nuance Technical Support.

    eTIP 3: General requirements for publishing Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition clients in a Citrix environment.

Conversations 2014

You’ve made the investment in your healthcare system; let the sessions and speakers at Conversations Healthcare 2014 help you realize your return.

Learn a lot! Loaded with insight and educational sessions, the ever-expanding Conversations Healthcare 2014 agenda will help you use your PowerScribe solution and realize how it opens the door to several modules that continuously drive quality of patient care, and deliver business excellence. It includes such great sessions as:

Radiology Meets Healthcare Reform: As reform and payment policies, the CMS EHR Meaningful Use Incentive Program is at the cornerstone of the evolution of healthcare into a more cost, quality and safety conscious institution, defining EHR standards. Healthcare IT solutions previously optimized for efficiency and productivity may now require redesign for an environment equally demanding of quality, safety and connectivity to all caregivers - including patients themselves. This session explores the inevitable changes and informatics innovation necessary to remain relevant and effective in our rapidly evolving healthcare system. Presenter: Keith J. Dreyer, DO, PhD, Vice Chairman, Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital.

The full agenda is available here in printable PDF format!

Join us in Phoenix at the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa to:

  • Exchange best practices, and discuss product strategies and roadmaps with Nuance Healthcare executives, product managers and peers to get more value from your Nuance solutions
  • Hear directly tips, tricks and best practices for success with Nuance products – directly from fellow users
  • Learn how your peers are using Nuance solutions to increase staff productivity, ROI and patient care quality – and how you can, too.

Earn a lot! For selected sessions, you can earn ASRT Continuing Education Credits (CEUs).

Be inspired! In his exciting keynote, “Flawless Execution: A Fighter Pilot’s Secret to Business Success,” former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, Jim “Murph” Murphy, of Afterburner, Inc. will outline how the simple process of Planning, Briefing, Executing, and Debriefing makes both military and business fighter pilots successful. Click here to learn more.

Register now! Get ahead, stay ahead of healthcare change. Conversations 2014 will show you how.


Did you know you could use Dragon Medical native voice commands to completely close the Dragon Medical client software?

There are a few Dragon Medical native voice commands you can use to completely close the Dragon Medical client software. First, you say "exit" followed by 4 choices, followed by 2 more optional choices, giving many alternatives to close the client software. The table below shows the different options to say beyond the command "exit."

Exit Commands

Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to use Dragon Medical native voice commands to completely close the Dragon Medical client software.

eTIPS video

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Did you know what valuable information to provide when reporting a Dragon Medical issue to Technical Support?

When reporting a Dragon Medical issue to Dragon Medical Technical Support by either submitting a service request through the iSupport Web Channel or by calling the Dragon Medical Helpdesk, please provide the following information (where applicable):

  1. Is this issue occurring for all users or just a single user?
  2. Is this issue isolated to a certain workstation(s)?
  3. Is this issue isolated to a certain Windows account(s)?
  4. Is this issue easily reproducible?
  5. Does this issue occur for users with Dragon Medical local or master roaming profiles?
  6. Does the issue still occur after creating a new Dragon Medical user profile?
  7. Describe the issue and include the text of any messages (error or otherwise) presented to the user(s)?
  8. What are the steps to reproduce this issue?
  9. Is the DragonBar's Full Text Control (formerly "Select and Say") indicator (checkmark or round ball) colored green or gray when reproducing this issue?
  10. What is the target application (EHR, Microsoft Word, etc.) used when reproducing this issue? Include the edition and version of the target application.
  11. Does this issue occur only in certain fields or windows within the EHR? If so, which?
  12. Is the Dragon Medical client installed locally or published through Citrix, hosted by RDP, or presented in some other virtualized environment?
  13. Is the target application installed locally or published through Citrix, hosted by RDP, or presented in some other virtualized environment?
  14. Is the Dragon vSync feature used?
  15. What antivirus software is running?

If a Citrix environment is used:

  1. Are the target application and Dragon Medial client published on the same XenApp server?
  2. Can this issue be reproduced in another Citrix-published application like DragonPad or NotePad?
  3. Can this issue be reproduced by dictating into a locally - installed application like NotePad or DragonPad?
  4. Can this issue be reproduced when using the Dragon Dictation Box?
  5. What is the Citrix server product and version?
  6. What is he Citrix client product and version? 
  7. Does the Citrix environment use the Citrix Smooth Roaming or Session Lingering feature?

If a vSync issue is suspected on the Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition product:

  1. Check if vSync is enabled at the workstation for this user (DragonBar>Tools>Options>Misc. tab> enable vSync checkbox at bottom).
    By default, CRTL+F9 and CTRL+SHIFT+F9 are hotkeys affecting the en/disabling of vSync at the client.
  2. Otherwise, verify that the vSync feature is enabled at the Site level in the NMC (Nuance Management Console).
  3. Try running the vSync Restoration Patch on this workstation. The patch executable is located in the Dragon Medical client media software folder under: ...\DNSxx_DVD1\vSyncRestorationPatch
    Make sure both the Dragon and Citrix clients are installed but *closed* before running this patch.
    Note: vSync will get deleted and require this restoration patch if the Citrix ICA client is updated or re-installed.

Please reproduce the issue and capture the following data prior to reporting Dragon Medical issues:

  1. Provide the date and time that the issue occurred.
  2. Provide a dragon.log file from a workstation where this occurs by clicking (choose below based on Dragon Medical product):
    • Start>Programs>"Dragon Medical xx" or "Network Edition">Show Dragon Log
    • Start>Programs>Dragon Medical Practice Edition>Dragon Medical Practice Edition Tools>Gather Files for Support
  3. Provide the corresponding MiniTracker logging from the Citrix server connected to by the offending client workstation for that session.
    To enable MiniTracker logging at the Citrix server(s), apply the following registry modification at each Citrix server:

    This is a DWORD value.

  4. IMPORTANT: Caution should be exercised when modifying a computer's registry. A backup of the registry should be made prior to modification. Only qualified personnel should modify the registry settings.

    At LogLevel=9, logging traps everything received from the client including the user's dictated text. LogLevel 9 is verbose and will consume disk space.

    The MiniTracker.log file is located on the Citrix server under: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Nuance\NaturallySpeakingxx.

Technical Support may also require a remote session with the customer where the issue can be reproduced and further troubleshooting initiated. An alternative would be for the customer to provide a video capture showing how the issue occurs.

For updates to this information, log in to iSupport and search for solution #16323: Guidelines for publishing DMNE 2.1 client application in Citrix environments. If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport timesaver for information about how you may become a member.

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Did you know the general requirements for publishing Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition clients in a Citrix environment?

To successfully use Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DM360|NE) version 2.1 as a published application on either XenApp 6.5 or XenDesktop 5.6, the following requirements should be observed:

  1. The DM360|NE profiles should be assigned the BestMatch IV speech model instead of the BestMatch V model if resource consumption and performance is a consideration. While BestMatch V speech models provide the highest recognition accuracy, BestMatch V requires additional CPU cycles and memory consumption that can affect performance and operation in a virtual environment. BestMatch V models in comparison to BestMatch IV models:
    • Can run three (3) recognition scans instead of two (2)
    • Maintain two (2) instead of one (1) acoustic models per dictation source
    • Operate both acoustic and language models in RAM, instead of only the acoustic model
  2. DM360|NE 2.1 requires 1.1GB of RAM for each natspeak.exe process.
  3. A single physical CPU core is required for each active speaker. Hyperthreading does not count as a physical core.
  4. Any DragonBar microphone icon indicating either Sleep mode or On mode will count as an active speaker and consume a core (please see the table below).
  5. Microphone

  6. Citrix recommends a minimum bandwidth of 1.1Mbits for each active microphone.
  7. For the best user experience, it is recommended that network latency, from endpoint to server where Dragon is running, be less than 50ms.
  8. The Microsoft Hotfix below must be installed for Citrix XenApp deployments where Dragon Medical is published on Windows Server 2008 R2 servers. There are known audio redirection issues introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2. The following Microsoft Hotfix (2538047) is provided to resolve this issue.

These guidelines do not include any memory or core requirements for the operating system or other applications, such as the target application being dictated into.

XenDesktop 7.0 has not been tested at this time. Certification is tentatively targeted for Calendar Q2 2014 (subject to change).

Nuance recommends that clients engage its Professional Services team to assist in the deployment of DM360|NE 2.1. Please contact your Nuance Account Executive for more information about this offering. For customers that currently do not have an Account Executive, please call: 866-748-9537.

For more information, log in to iSupport and search for solution #14111 Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition User Documentation. Locate document L-3691 Administrator Guide, Dragon in a Citrix Environment (updated for DM360|NE 2.1, 12/20/13). If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport timesaver for information about how you may become a member.

For updates to this information, please refer to iSupport Solution #16351: Valuable information every customer should provide when reporting a Dragon Medical issue to Technical Support.

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iSupportWhat's New

For a complete listing of all updates for all released versions, login to iSupport and search for solutions:

14274: Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition - What's New and Can I download the Current Version?"

14640: Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • 14396 DMENE Client "Server is unavailable" - [NAS] System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException
  • 16323 Guidelines for publishing DMNE 2.1 client application in Citrix environments
  • 16340 Philips SpeechMike PDCC (Speech Control) v3.x blocks Dragon Medical from launching
  • 12300 What Microsoft Security Bulletins Impact Dictaphone Enterprise Speech System (DESS), PowerScribe 360, PowerScribe, and RadWhere Software?
  • 13387 Service Packs, Patches, and Fixes
  • 14418 eTIPS Video Library for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition & Dragon Medical Practice Edition
  • 16276 DMNE 2.x VMware View VDI session "deadlocking" with dictation loss
  • 16294 Getting notified when iSupport Knowledge Base solutions, of your choice, have been updated.
  • 16320 DMNE 2.1 'Command Sets' Feature Overview
  • 16323 Guidelines for publishing DMNE 2.1 client application in Citrix environments
  • 16339 Video - Using Dragon's Basic Voice Commands to Surf the World Wide Web

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply log in to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to view instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Healthcare Support team available 24x7x365 services customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

This organization can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems. It's available toll-free at 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. At the prompt simply say:

"Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Support" or
"Dragon Medical Practice Edition"

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

Nuance Depot Repair Service

Click here for a Web Form to submit a Depot Repair Service Request for Connexions Station (C-phone), Optic Mic, PowerMic, Philips Speech Mic, tape-based recording devices, digital recorders, etc. iSupport members can save time by simply logging in to iSupport and submitting a service request choosing "Depot" as the Request Type.

NOTE: There is no need to submit a Depot Repair Service Request on a PowerMic under a current Nuance Maintenance Contract. Call Nuance's Customer Account Management team at 800-339-7683 to get the broken PowerMic replaced. At the prompt simply say, "PowerMic Replacement."

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's customer support team is available at the following Nuance Technical Support websites:

Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition:

Dragon Medical Practice Edition:

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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