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February 2014, Volume 6, Number 2


Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS where you will find tips about:

    eTIP 1: Using Dragon's basic voice commands to surf the world wide web. See eTIPS video.

    eTIP 2: A new 'Command Sets' feature in Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition.

    eTIP 3: Criteria used for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition reporting metrics.

Conversations 2014

With all that’s going on in healthcare, it’s not what you know or whom you know – it’s both. And there’s no better place to expand both your knowledge and your network than at Nuance's Conversations Healthcare 2014.

Networking is too important to be left to chance, so we’ve carved out time specifically for you to network with your peers and trade best practices.

  • Exchange best practices, discuss product strategies and roadmaps with Nuance Healthcare executives, product managers and peers to get more value from your Nuance solutions.
  • Network with radiology directors, administrators and radiologists.
  • Hear from Nuance diagnostics experts, and discuss with your peers how to maximize your investment in Nuance technology and utilize the latest offerings.
  • Hear and share best practices for using Nuance solutions to maximize radiologists’ productivity and improve service to referring physicians with Nuance solutions
  • Obtain ASRT CEU credits.

You can do it all at Conversations Healthcare 2014.

Learn a lot and build your network a lot more with…

  • Informal opportunities to network with peers attacking the same problems you’re grappling with in different ways.
  • Structured networking featuring short, one-on-one conversations with colleagues in similar provider organizations, dealing with similar challenges
  • Education Tracks, with practical tips for IT solutions that you can apply immediately after the conference.

Register today and network your way to success in 2014.

Conversations Healthcare 2014 will be held April 6-9, 2014 at the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa, Phoenix, AZ.


Did you know you could use Dragon's basic voice commands to surf the world wide web?

While Dragon has basic support for web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, Dragon provides a higher level of support in terms of both commands and text control for Internet Explorer.

With Dragon Medical running and your input device enabled, you can speak voice commands that are native to Dragon Medical in order to accomplish the following:

  • Access the Web and navigate to a specific website

  • Search within a specific website

  • Navigate within that website

  • Execute specific hyperlinks on a web page

Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to surf the world wide web by using Dragon's basic voice commands.

eTIPS Video

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Did you know about the new 'Command Sets' feature in Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition?

Beginning in version 2.1 of Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DM360|NE), the capability was introduced to share and manage entire sets of commands from the Nuance Management Console (NMC). This feature, called Command Sets, consists of collections of custom commands that an NMC Administrator can import through the NMC for distribution and sharing among DM360|NE users as well as other Nuance Cloud-based products.

Other Nuance Cloud-based products currently eligible to share content with the DM360|NE product include:

  • DM360 Direct (SoD)
  • SpeechAnywhere (NSA) for Epic Haiku/Canto
  • SpeechAnywhere (NSA) for Cerner PowerChart Touch

The Command Sets feature has user components in both the NMC and the DM360|NE client application. This feature is located in the NMC under the Speech Recognition tab and allows Command Sets to be managed, imported, updated, and deleted. Command Sets can be managed in the NMC through a hierarchal tree view like the other Shared Content features in the NMC.

Command Set 1

Note: the Commands feature (crossed out in red on the picture above) is not currently used in the DM360|NE product.

Command Sets within the NMC can be assigned at the Site or Group level, but not at the User level. The Command Set content is stored in the Nuance Management Server (NMS) database. Individual commands within Command Sets cannot be edited or deleted from within the NMC. However, new Command Sets can be created by exporting custom commands, as either a .DAT or an .XML file, from a DM360|NE client.

With the addition of the Command Sets feature in DM360|NE 2.1, the Data Distribution Tool is no longer needed. All custom command types are now supported. When importing a .XML or .DAT file for storing and linking to a Command Set, the following command objects are supported:

  • Auto-Texts (formerly Text & Graphics commands)
  • Step-by-Step commands
  • Advanced Scripting commands
  • Macro Recorder commands
  • Any of the above commands with programmatic lists, meaning commands names containing angle brackets <> 

Inheritance Model and Command Status...

Each Command Set consists of a summary data component and a body component. The body component maintains the actual command objects which are temporarily placed in the NMS \FileStore folder during the download to the DM360|NE client.

Command Sets are retrieved by the DM360|NE client at log in, using normal inheritance rules. This means that Command Set content at the NMC Group level would have precedence over the NMC Site level. Further, existing custom commands (MyCommands - MyCmds.dat) on the local DM360|NE client take precedence over conflicting commands from Command Sets.

Under the following conditions, the Command Set version can become inactive if the Command Set contains commands:

  • With the same command name and availability (global or application/window) as an existing command on the local DM360|NE client.
  • That have lists with the same name as a list contained in existing commands created by a DM360|NE user on their local DM360|NE client.

The following criteria is used to validate active commands and identify command conflicts during the DM360|NE client login:

  1. Any newly downloaded Command Sets are compared against previously loaded Command Sets.
  2. If conflicts are detected between Command Sets (command name, availability, or list name), the conflicting commands are marked as ‘not active’ and are not loaded. In this case, the first command loaded becomes the ‘active’ command.
  3. Once all of the Command Set commands are loaded into the ‘Master Command Set’, the entire collection of commands is then compared to any custom commands defined in MyCommands (MyCmds.dat).
  4. If there is a conflict, the custom command in MyCommands overrides commands and lists from the Command Sets, and is treated as the 'active' command.

If changes are made to custom commands during a user session, the commands in the ‘Master Command Set’ collection are re-evaluated to determine if the 'active' state for any of those commands should change.

Also, if the custom commands contain commands that are exactly the same as commands available in Command Sets, these identical commands can be deleted from the DM360|NE client's Command Browser tool using the Purge Identical MyCommands feature. This feature will search for identical commands, and if found, will present a list to choose from which commands should be deleted.

When the DM360|NE client logs in, the process for retrieving Command Set content follows:

  1. All available Command Sets are identified based on DM360|NE user account membership, hierarchy, and the last time the Command Set was touched.
  2. The DM360|NE Client will delete any Command Set from its local cache that is not included in the returned Command Set list from the NMS.
  3. The DM360|NE Client will download any Command Set content not already present in its local cache, and dismiss any content that has not changed.

The DM360|NE user account's locally-cached profile will store the Command Set content under the following sub-folder within the DM360|NE profile folder structure:

   ...\<DM360NE user acct>\<DM360NE profile>\Current\cmdsets

Command Set 2

There is no size restriction for Command Sets like there is for Auto-Texts because the Command Set content is downloaded in blocks. Also, Command Sets deleted from the NMC will be removed immediately from the NMS database.

NMC User Interface

The NMC Manage function for the Command Sets feature displays the following user interface elements:

  • An Organization field for environments with multiple organizations and the security rights to view them.
  • A checkbox for "Display all levels". If enabled (checked), all content for all Command Sets for both the Site and the Group is presented (even when only the Group is selected).
  • A tree hierarchal containing Sites and Groups, but no users.
  • A link to search for names of Command Sets.

Command Set 3

The Import button provides fields for a Command Set Name, Description, and a "Path to .DAT/.XML file" exported from a DM360|NE client.

The Update button provides fields for a Command Set Name and a "Path to .DAT/.XML file" exported from a DM360|NE client.

The Delete button presents a confirmation dialog box once a Command Set is selected for deletion from the Site or Group level.

When importing a Command Set, the .DAT/.XML file is stored in the NMS where a separate process will parse the individual command objects. This background process monitors and reports to the NMC administrator in the NMC Messages area, on the conversion status for parsing the Command Sets.

Command Set 4

Command Set 5

Protected Commands

In general, .DAT command files can be protected/encrypted by a DM360|NE client utility called the MyCommands Protection Utility. This utility can provide copyright protection allowing users to import and use custom commands, but restricts the user from viewing or editing the source code, and exporting the commands. Each command has a header that contains a flag that identifies if the command is protected. When the NMS parses the Command Set, protected command content is decrypted and stored in the database for availability through the NMC.

Note: when importing an .XML file, the Command Set content cannot be protected/encrypted.

DM360|NE Client Command Browser

In DM360|NE 2.1, the Command Browser tool on the DM360|NE client has been expanded to include the Commands Sets feature. Additional elements/functions within the Command Browser are:

  • The Command Sets Mode that allows the user to view existing Command Sets
  • The ability to view conflicts with inactive command and list names
  • The ability to purge identical commands

Command Set 6

Command Set 7

For the most current information on this topic, please login in to iSupport and search for solution #16320 DM360|NE 2.1 'Command Sets' Feature Overview. If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become a member.

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Did you know what criteria is used for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition reporting metrics?

In Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DM360|NE), version 2.x, the Dragon Client sends speech usage metrics to the Nuance Management Server (NMS). A Nuance Management Console (NMC) administrator can design and run queries to report on speech metrics for DM360|NE users.

Report creation on speech metrics for DM360|NE, version 2.1, is performed on the NMC, under Trends > Speech Trends > Speech Usage. The following reporting criteria can be configured:

  • Organization Name
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Start Date / Time
  • End Date / Time
  • Site
  • Group
  • Group by (first/second): Site/Group/User
  • Display results in a grid format by: Hour/Day/Week/Month

Display results in a graph format by: Words/Minutes/Characters

Reporting Metrics 1

Report Timing

The DM360|NE 2.1 Speech Usage report displays metrics by the specified duration hour/day/week/month). The DM360|NE Client sends usage metrics as a collection interval at about every ten (10) minutes. In turn, the NMS populates the NuanceMC SQL database by a scheduled hourly process.  Therefore, there may be a lapse in reported data for any activity occurring in the last hour.

Words and Characters Tracked

The output for the DM360|NE Speech Usage report includes two (2) columns "Total Words" and "Total Characters" that track only spoken words recognized by the Dragon speech engine. This encompasses only dictation and spoken command names. This parallels what is presented in the DM360|NE Client's Recognition History.

Reporting Metrics 2

The following criteria is not tracked for speech usage reporting:

  • Rejected speech utterances
  • Spaces
  • Typed text
  • Transferred text
  • Text resulting from the output of executing a command (such as from a Text and Graphics command)
  • Corrected text
  • Deleted text
Migrated Data From DM360|NE 1.0

Existing data for License Usage reporting from DM360|NE 1.0 systems will be retained and migrated during an upgrade to the DM360|NE 2.x. The DM360|NE 2.x License Usage report is located in the NMC, under Trends > Usage.

Existing data for Adaptation Status reporting from DM360|NE 1.0 systems will be retained and migrated during an upgrade to the DM360|NE 2.x. The DM360|NE 2.x Adaptation Status report located in the NMC, under Utilities > Adaptation Status.

The Speech Usage report is a feature that is new to DM360|NE 2.x. Therefore, no data when upgrading from DM360|NE 1.0 will be used to populate this report in the DM360|NE 2.x NMC, under Trends > Speech Trends.

For the most current information on this topic, please log in to iSupport and search for solution #16277 DM360|NE 2.x Speech and License Usage Reporting Metrics. If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become a member.

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iSupportWhat's New

For a complete listing of all updates for all released versions, login to iSupport and search for solutions:

14274: Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition - What's New and Can I download the Current Version?"

14640: Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • 16320 DMNE 2.1 'Command Sets' Feature Overview
  • 16277 DMNE 2.x Speech and License Usage Reporting Metrics
  • 14992 Things to check before sending a PowerMic in for repair
  • 12231 Do you have any information about how Products and Services support the HIPAA Security Rule?
  • 16276 DM360|NE 2.x VMware View VDI session "deadlocking" with dictation loss
  • 16277 DM360|NE 2.x Speech Usage Reporting Metrics
  • 14640 Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?
  • 12300 What Microsoft Security Bulletins Impact Dictaphone Enterprise Speech System (DESS), PowerScribe 360, PowerScribe, and RadWhere Software?
  • 16270 DM360|NE NMC access error 1603 from IE 11

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply log in to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to view instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Healthcare Support team available 24x7x365 services customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

This organization can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems. It's available toll-free at 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. At the prompt simply say:

"Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Support" or
"Dragon Medical Practice Edition"

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

Nuance Depot Repair Service

Click here for a Web Form to submit a Depot Repair Service Request for Connexions Station (C-phone), Optic Mic, PowerMic, Philips Speech Mic, tape-based recording devices, digital recorders, etc. iSupport members can save time by simply logging in to iSupport and submitting a service request choosing "Depot" as the Request Type.

NOTE: There is no need to submit a Depot Repair Service Request on a PowerMic under a current Nuance Maintenance Contract. Call Nuance's Customer Account Management team at 800-339-7683 to get the broken PowerMic replaced. At the prompt simply say, "PowerMic Replacement."

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's customer support team is available at the following Nuance Technical Support websites:

Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition:

Dragon Medical Practice Edition:

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Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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