Did you know there is an option to have Dragon automatically add periods and commas for when you dictate?
Dragon can automatically add periods and commas for you when you dictate. To turn on or off this “automatically add commas and periods” option, you can go to the bottom of the Formatting dialog from within the DragonBar’s Tools menu.
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Did you know you could use voice commands on Windows® Desktop?
You can use voice commands to control many actions on a Windows Desktop; commands such as:
- Open Windows Explorer
- Close Window
- Open My Computer
- Maximize window
- Minimize window
- Switch to "Document/Application" name
Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration about how to use Voice Commands on Windows Desktop.

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Did you know that by holding down the Shift key, you could force Dragon to recognize what you said as a dictation rather than a command?
This is particularly useful for words that are in your Dragon Custom Command list or in a given program's menu. Here's an example of where this functionality is valuable.
A provider speaks the phrase "Stress fracture of the femoral neck in a patient with <pause> open <pause> capital femoral epiphyses".
Since the provider paused briefly before and after the word open, this ended up triggering a related "Open" command. By pressing the shift key while speaking this phrase, it forces Dragon to recognize the phrase as dictation only.
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