Did you know you could quickly make corrections to your document by using the "Spell" and "Spell That" voice commands?
The "spell" and "spell that" voice commands are powerful tools that make correcting a document faster and easier. The following describes many examples of when and how to use these commands:
- You can correct a misrecognized word or phrase by selecting it and saying, “spell that” followed by several or all the letters of the correct word. This will open the Spell dialog box.
- You can insert any unknown word into your document by spelling it. Say, “spell” followed by the letters of the word or phrase you want to insert. You do not need to pause between saying “spell” and the letters. Dragon actually understands you better if you spell naturally and continuously, rather than one letter at a time.
- When you use “spell that” to spell a word or when you spell in the Spell dialog box, you can say all the characters of the standard Windows character set without pausing.
- To spell multiple words in the Spell dialog box, spell each of them separately and say “spacebar” to insert a word break.
- When spelling, you can capitalize a letter by saying “cap” before you say the letter.
- If you select a misrecognized word and the correct word is not on the Correction menu, you can say, “spell that” to open the Spell dialog box and then spell the word.
- In the Spell dialog box, you can edit a choice that is almost correct. Say “select 3,” for example, then edit the text using the Spell dialog box commands or the keyboard.
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Did you know there are voice commands to quickly select and correct a word, phrase, paragraph, or entire document?
The "Select" voice command is used to navigate to a particular word, phrase, paragraph, or the entire document. Once the text is selected, changes can be made by simply dictating new content, which will replace the selected text. If you only need to make a correction to one word, you can easily make this change by saying, "Correct (word)."
The "select" voice command is extremely versatile in that there are many variations of the command to handle different circumstances, including:
- Select <xyz>
- Select <x> through <z>
- Select again
- Select the next <number> characters
- Select previous paragraph
- Select all
- Unselect that
Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to use the "Select" voice command efficiently.

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Did you know an SSO bridge vendor could be used to provide fast and secure access to patient information?
This article outlines the implementation of a Single Sign-On (SSO) workflow with Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition.
An SSO bridge vendor, such as Imprivata, can be used to provide fast and secure access to patient information. Implementing an SSO bridge solution requires that the two (2) Dragon processes, shown below, be terminated on the Dragon client workstation before switching to another Windows® user account and logging in.
- natspeak.exe
- citrixwindowmgr.exe
The SSO bridge must ensure that all necessary steps are taken resulting into termination of the two (2) Dragon processes above. The SSO bridge must wait for the processes to terminate before switching to a different Windows® user account. Only after both processes have terminated should the SSO bridge start any applications for the next Windows user.
The steps below provide background as to how Dragon vSync (citrixwindowmgr.exe process) is engaged on a Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition workstation:
- Establish a connection to a Citrix server.
- Either launch a Citrix published application, or
- Reconnect to an existing session on a Citrix server (Citrix smooth roaming feature).
- Open a Dragon user profile, which has vSync enabled (Dragon NMC Site settings and Dragon client User Options).
- Start natspeak.exe, if it is not already running.
- Login to Dragon.
- Open Dragon user profile.
- vSync is engaged when the user turns on the microphone in Dragon and begins dictation while the cursor focus is in the window of a Citrix published application.
Note: Any of the above steps including; 1a, 1b, or 2c can result in the citrixwindowmgr.exe process beginning execution.
The steps below describe the sequence of events that occur when a user logs out of Dragon and then disconnects from or logs off of the Citrix server:
- Close the connection to the Citrix server.
- Either log off of the Citrix server, or
- Disconnect from the session on the Citrix server.
- Log out the Dragon user.
Completing step 5 and either step 4a or 4b above will result in the termination of the citrixwindowmgr.exe process. The citrixwindowmgr.exe process will continue running as long as the Dragon user remains logged in or the connection to the Citrix server is still established.
To provide a workstation solution for the SSO bridge to safely terminate the Dragon processes (natspeak.exe and citrixwindowmgr.exe), refer to Nuance's iSupport solution, "15215 - DM360NE SSO log off script solution to terminate Dragon processes." This article includes an attached file, "" that contains three additional files to be used on a given workstation. To use on a given workstation:
Extract the contents of the Zip file into the \Program folder where “natspeak.exe” resides on the workstation.
For example:
C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\natspeak.exe
After extracting the Zip file, these three (3) additional files should be present:
- C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\DragonCloser.exe
- C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\ExitDragonBar.cmd
- C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\Interop.DNSTools.dll
- Run the “ExitDragonBar.cmd” script. This script may be directly called by the SSO bridge to cause the “natspeak.exe” process to terminate.
The easiest way to apply this script is to extract the ZIP file, as described above, and then execute “ExitDragonBar.cmd” from a Windows Command Prompt. The result from various scenarios are below:
Dragon was not running; script was executed
C:\Documents and Settings\duser001>"C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\ExitDragonBar.cmd"
Natspeak.exe is not currently running.
Dragon was running but no user was logged in; script was executed
C:\Documents and Settings\duser001>"C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\ExitDragonBar.cmd"
Natspeak.exe has been terminated.
Dragon was running and a user was logged in, but no profile was opened; script was executed
C:\Documents and Settings\duser001>"C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\ExitDragonBar.cmd"
Natspeak.exe has been terminated.
Dragon was running, a user was logged in, and a profile was opened; script was executed
C:\Documents and Settings\duser001>"C:\Program Files\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\ExitDragonBar.cmd"
- Natspeak.exe has not been terminated, reason is: There's a speaker loaded. natspeak.exe /logout
- Natspeak.exe has not been terminated, reason is: There's a speaker loaded.
- Natspeak.exe has not been terminated, reason is: There's a speaker loaded.
- Natspeak.exe has not been terminated, reason is: There's a speaker loaded.
- Natspeak.exe has been terminated.
Please note that the ZIP file may require modification by customers, for example, saving the user profile before logging out.
If .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on the Dragon client workstations (this is not a prerequisite for Dragon), then the three (3) files can be collapsed into one (1) .EXE file, which also saves the user profile before logging out the user.
For more information about using an SSO bridge vendor to provide fast and secure access to patient information, login to iSupport and search for solution 15215: "DM360NE SSO log off script solution to terminate Dragon processes." If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started.
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