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April 2013, Volume 5, Number 4


Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS where you will find tips about:

eTIP 1: Using the "hidden" mode to continue dictating while looking up additional information about a patient.

eTIP 2: Nuance's recommendation to turn off Windows® Automatic updates on all servers and client workstations.

eTIP 3: Nuance's Anti-Virus recommendations for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition.

eTIP 4: Allocating disk space for log files.


Did you know "hidden" mode allows you to continue dictating while looking up additional information about your patient?

If you find the need to switch applications or surf the web for additional information during the course of dictating a report, you can! Simply switch the speech recognition mode from normal to hidden, switch to the new application and continue dictating. Switch the mode back to normal mode to view the dictated content.

Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a demonstration about one of the key features of hidden mode dictation.

eTIPS Video Image

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Did you know Nuance recommends turning off Windows® Automatic updates on all servers and client workstations?

After you set up each physical server or workstation you plan to use in the network, be sure to turn off Windows Automatic Updates. You should be qualifying each update Windows sends by installing it first on a single test machine of the network and updating the other machines on the network only after you determine that it clearly will not disrupt the network.

Even if you have determined an update is not going to negatively affect the network, you still should install the update during off-hours and, if required, reboot each machine during those hours to ensure that requests to reboot do not disrupt the servers or client workstations during peak hours of dictation.

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Did you know Nuance's Anti-Virus recommendations for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition?

Nuance recommends anti-virus software on all Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition servers and client workstations to protect the system from potential downtime due to viruses. However, be aware of the recommended restrictions.

You should exclude from the anti-virus scan any files found in the folders indicated below or with the extensions listed below:

On the NMS servers, Profile Optimization Server, and SQL Database Server:

  • Nuance folder and all sub-folders
  • Files with these extensions: DAT, DRA, ENH, INI, LCK, LOG, NWV, SIG, TXT, USR, VER, VOC, WAV

Dragon Medical Client Workstations (Windows 7, XP, and Vista):

  • C:\Program Files\Nuance\ folder and all sub-folders
  • C:\Program Data\Nuance\ folder and all sub-folders
  • C:\<Windows user_ID>\AppData\ folder and all sub-folders
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nuance folder and all sub-folders
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Windows user_ID\Local Settings\Temp folder
  • Files with these extensions: BD, BIN, DAT, DVC, ENH, GSB, GRM, GRX, INI, LCK, NWV, SIG, SVC, USR, VER, VOC, WAV, XML, LOG

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Did you know how much disk space to allocate for log files?

The Profile Optimizer Speech Node generates two log files for each ACO and LMO task it carries out:

  • Dragon Log File - Dragon Medical SDK Client writes this file
  • Speech Node service log file - Profile Optimizer services write these files

(You can view both the Dragon log files and the Speech Node service log files through the Nuance Management Console.)

The NMS Server generates one log file for each user:

  • Windows communication foundation service log files.

The NMS Server stores up to the last 10 MB of logs generated, a maximum of 50 log files for the entire server, before purging the oldest files and replacing them with newer ones as it generates them.

The Dragon log and Speech Node service log files are generally between 3 and 5 KB each. The Profile Optimizer Server stores them for 30 days. Although the log files could be larger, they are stored in a zipped format and compressed very well. If you run an optimization process for every provider every day, have 500 providers, and every log were as large as 5 KB, all of those logs would still use only 2.5 MB of storage space, and in 30 days that would become 75 MB of storage space. After 30 days, the Profile Optimizer purges old log files, so the storage requirements do not grow substantially.

Storage space for all of these logs is relatively inconsequential; however, if you expand the number of providers in your organization, it is always best to take into account storage requirements for all generated files.

If you call Technical Support, you might be asked to provide any of these logs to help Nuance engineers work on any issues with your network.

To access your Dragon log files, refer to the Nuance Management Server Administration Guide.

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iSupportWhat's New

For a complete listing of all updates for all released versions, login to iSupport and search for solution: 14274 "What's New in Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Software and can I Download the Current Version?" If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started.

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Fixed ImageWhat's Fixed

To view an expanded What's Fixed listing, by product version, please login to iSupport and search for solution 13387 "Service Packs Patches and Fixes." If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started.

If you are experiencing one or more of the issues described in the What's Fixed listing, please submit a service request to Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services through iSupport or by calling (800) 833-7776.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • 12741 Coding HTML documents that can be navigated by voice (reissued 3/27/13)
  • 12983 Guidelines for Developing Windows Applications Compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and Dragon Medical (reissued 3/27/13)
  • 14274 What's New in Dragon Medical Software and Can I download the current version? (reissued 3/20/13)
  • 14860 Configuring CPU Affinity on Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Dragon Medical Practice Edition by using the nssystem.ini file (reissued 3/19/13)
  • 15238 Fixing Dragon Medical 360 | Mobile Search iSupport Registration Issues

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply log in to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to see instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member. You will also learn how to access and log into iSupport, configure your iSupport profile, search our knowledge base for solutions, manuals and quick reference materials, and how to use iSupport to submit a request for service.

Optimize Your iSupport Profile
If you are already an iSupport subscriber, you may want to consider accessing the Getting Started with iSupport link above and view the instructions. There is valuable information that will help you optimize your iSupport User Profile, thereby enabling you to submit a service request in minimal time. You will also learn how to enable additional timesaving features, requested by our customers, on the iSupport home page.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Healthcare Support team available 24x7x365 services DM360 | Network Edition & DMPE customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support
This organization can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems. It's available toll-free at 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. So say, "Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Support" at the prompt.

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started.

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition customer support team is available at Nuance's Technical Support website at:

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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