Did you know you could save time formatting text within a document by using "Quick Voice Formatting Commands?"
When using Quick Voice Formatting Commands, you do not have to use the "Select" command to highlight the targeted text before speaking the formatting command. Instead, you simply say the formatting command along with the desired text.
For example; In the sentence, "Monday is my favorite day." If you wish to bold Monday, simply say, "bold Monday" as opposed to, "select Monday, bold that."
Click the play button on the following eTIPS Video image for a brief demonstration about how to use Quick Voice Formatting Commands.

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Did you know the Dragon Medical Results Box/Display can provide beneficial recognition information?
As Dragon Medical listens and processes a provider's speech, the recognized result can be momentarily displayed on-screen before populating that recognized text to a target application (EHR). Depending upon Dragon Medical product edition, there are two (2) different modes in presenting recognition results on-screen: Results Box (Show Preliminary Results), and Results Display.
Results Box

The Dragon Medical Results Box is the traditional floating display box with the yellow background as seen in Dragon Medical client version 10.x (for example, Dragon Medical 360 Network Edition, client version 10.5). Recognized text is momentarily queued here before Dragon applies final formatting and populates that text to the target application. In Dragon Medical clients, version 11 and higher (for example Dragon Medical Practice Edition, version 11), the Results Box is more recently known as the Show Preliminary Results option.
Results Display

The Dragon Medical Results Display was introduced in the Dragon Medical Practice Edition (version 11) product. This option is streamlined to reduce distraction and to encourage better dictation practices. Rather than the traditional floating Results Box, a small Recognition-in-Progress icon displays as the provider dictates. The simpler display is meant to encourage dictation in longer phrases and sentences, which can improve voice recognition. When the provider pauses, Dragon Medical populates the recognized text into the target application.
For the Results Box or the Results Display, the behavior for each can be configured in the following ways:
- Drag the Results anywhere on the screen
- Anchor the Results in one place
- Change the color and font size of the Results Box
- Specify the length of time that the Results stay open
- Hide the Results when not speaking
- Cancel recognition and close the Results
The behaviors listed above can be configured by:
- Right-clicking the Results Box or Results Display which opens a menu window with several of the listed options
- From the DragonBar, click Tools>Options>View tab and then review the configuration options in the Results Box section
The table below compares how Dragon Medical Practice Edition presents feedback during dictation with the new Results Display, where the traditional Preliminary Results (Results Box) is disabled by default.

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Did you know what data the License Usage Trend Report provides within the Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition?
In the Nuance Management Console (NMC), beginning in Service Pack 3 (, a report can be generated disclosing how user licenses are being used. This report indicates how often, and when, users last logged in to either the Dragon Client (Author licenses) or the NMC (Administrator licenses). This License Usage information can be reported to manage and optimize the use of DMNE licenses in an organization. For example, if a user with a DMNE (Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition) license does not use the license frequently, that license can instead be re-assigned to another user. This License Usage information can also be used to plan the future license requirements for an organization.
Usage information is available for the following DMNE license types:
- NMC Administrator
- Physician Author
- Non-Physician Author
The License Usage report will display data:
- For all users with a specific license type assigned
- AND who have attempted to login to the Dragon client at least once in the time frame specified
- OR who have never tried to login at all
If the user logged in within the specific time period, the report for that user shows the appropriate value for Last Login, Days Since Last Login, and Login Count.
If the user either never logged in or did not log in within the specific timeframe, the report for that user shows a blank value for both Last Login and Days Since Last Login, and the Login Count is 0.

Proper NMC administrative rights are required to generate and view the usage report.
If criteria for a License Usage report does not produce all expected users, consider the following possible causes where that licensed user did not:
- Attempt to login to the Dragon client during the timeframe specified
- Have a Physician Author or Non-physician Author license assigned
Service Pack 4 corrected an issue where License Usage reporting for licensed users is incomplete.
If the above causes are eliminated, but the report results remain incomplete, DMNE 1.0, Service Pack 4 and higher, provides a software update to correct this issue.
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Did you know what advantages exist with Dragon Medical Dictation Box when using Hidden Mode?
The Dragon Medical client offers the Dictation Box as an option when the target application (EHR) is not fully compatible with Dragon Medical based on unsupported components like windows classes and edit controls. Dragon Medical's Full Text Control (formerly Select-and-Say) feature requires a certain level of compatibility with these components in order to obtain accurate, dynamic information from the target application regarding cursor position, utterance mapping, and content tracking. Full Text Control allows Dragon Medical to auto-punctuate recognized text for punctuation and capitalization, as well as manipulate and correct selected, recognized text.
The DragonBar displays a Full Text Control indicator that changes color (from green to gray) to indicate whether full function is supported in a target application.

When focusing on a target application where Full Text Control is disabled (grayed-out), the DragonBar's message area will also display:
- Dictating into a non-standard window
- Unknown text field; consider using "Show Dictation Box" (Dragon Medical version 11 and higher)
The result manifested to the provider will be the intermittent, or unexpected, or complete loss of: punctuation, command recognition, ability to correct, and even recognition of free text.
As an option, the provider can instead dictate directly into the Dictation Box (which natively supports Full Text Control) allowing the provider to format and correct recognized text before transferring that text to the target application.
Hidden Mode
The Dictation Box contains a sub-feature called "Hidden Mode". Hidden Mode is not anchored to any target application, and is not presented on the provider's screen. It is hidden in the background while the Dictation Box is still active. All dictated text is populated directly to the Dictation Box, regardless of cursor location or which application has focus. This allows the provider to freely navigate between different applications while dictating. The recognized text is populated to the target application once the provider places the cursor in the target application and then uses the "Transfer Text" voice command, or a PowerMic II button, to transfer the text.
There are some guidelines and limitations with using Hidden Mode:
- Since the Dictation Box is hidden, in order to edit recognized text prior to transfer, the provider says "Show Dictation Box”
- A limited set of voice commands is available in Hidden Mode:
"Show Dictation Box”…"Display text”…"Play that back“…"Transfer text"
- Custom commands created in the MyCommands Editor are not available in Hidden Mode
- Any command with variable (delimited) fields cannot be used
- If the provider says "Transfer Text" while the cursor is placed in target application that the Dictation Box does not support, or that cannot receive text using Windows Paste method (configured in Dragon Dictation Box settings), the recognized text on Windows clipboard can be lost. To avoid this issue, enable Dragon Dictation Box setting: Keep transferred text in clipboard when the Dictation box is closed.
- The following DragonBar menus will be disabled while in Hidden Mode:
- Tools > Accuracy Center… / Command Browser… / Add New Command…
- Words > New… / View/Edit… / Train… / Import… / Export…
- Extras tool bar > Correction…
- Sound > Transcribe Recording...
Hidden Mode Indicators
The Full Text Control indicator turns yellow while in Hidden Mode:

If the Dictation Box contains text, a plus sign (+) appears within the Full Text Control indicator

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