Did you know you could use the Dictation Box to allow for speech recognition in unsupported applications?
Dragon Medical Practice Edition version 2.0 has a new feature that allows for the Dictation Box to be used with unsupported applications. This feature allows you to dictate content into the dictation box and transfer the recognized text to a desired location within the unsupported application.
Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to enable this feature and use it.

Perform the following to enable this feature:
- Launch Dragon Medical Practice Edition and login.
- On the Dragon bar, select Tools > Options. The Options dialog appears.
- Click the Miscellaneous tab.
- On the bottom, click the check box to enable the option Use the Dictation Box for unsupported applications.
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Did you know what new Dictation Box improvements are available with Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.0?
The Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.0 (DMPE 2.0) v12 client introduces improvements to the Dictation Box feature. As before, the Dictation Box provides Full Text Control (previously Select-and-Say support) for non-standard windows. Non-standard windows are editable windows or fields within the target application (EHR) that do not support all of Dragon's selection and correction capabilities. For example, when the cursor is positioned in an unknown text field, the DragonBar displays the message "Unknown text field; consider using 'show Dictation Box' - See Help.'" In those cases, Dragon's Full Text Control indicator, the checkmark symbol to the right of the volume meter on the DragonBar, is colored grey. Symptoms would include inconsistencies in punctuation, capitalization, spacing, and word recognition, as well as unreliable selection and correction of recognized text. The provider can instead use the Dictation Box to first dictate into the Dictation Box window, make edits, and then transfer the recognized and corrected text into a non-standard window or field within a target application.
On the DragonBar Tools>Options>Dictation Box tab, the Dictation Box operation can be configured. The following example shows the default settings for the Dictation Box:

Anchor Dictation Box to application
The Anchor Dictation Box option has been moved from the Administrative Settings window to the Dictation Box tab. Checking the checkbox to enable the "Anchor Dictation Box to application" option causes the Dictation Box to start in Anchored mode, where the Dictation Box is anchored to the application opened just prior to opening the Dictation Box. All transferred text will be automatically populated into that application opened just prior to the Dictation Box. When this setting is enabled, the Dictation Box settings become inactive within the Dictation Box tab. However, these settings can still be controlled by a Settings button on the Dictation Box itself.
Conversely when the "Anchor Dictation Box to application" option is disabled (unchecked by default), the Dictation Box is not linked to any particular application or window requiring the provider to first click focus on the intended target application before transferring text.
Automatically open the Dictation Box
The "Automatically open the Dictation Box" is a sub-setting for the above Anchor Mode, and when enabled, will automatically display the Dictation Box if the microphone is on and if the provider dictates into a non-standard text field or window where Dragon does not have Full Text Control.
Open Dictation Box as hidden
When the Dictation Box is hidden, all dictated text is added to the Dictation Box regardless of where the cursor is placed, allowing the provider to accomplish other computer tasks while dictating. When using the Hidden Dictation Box to dictate, the Dictation Box is active, but can be hidden in the background. Further, the transparency level for the Dictation Box window can be adjusted from 0 to 100% visibility. Clicking on the transparent Dictation Box will temporarily make it active in the foreground, turning off transparency. Clicking away from the Dictation Box directs it to become hidden once again.
The example below presents the Dictation Box at 50% transparency in the background over the DragonBar after dictating "This is a test."

Additionally, there are two (2) settings available to control the usage of custom user commands and dictated voice commands (including select) in Hidden Mode.
Viewing the confirmation box when a provider closes the Dictation Box
Providers can now close the Dictation Box without having to view or respond to the confirmation dialog box. While there is no user Option setting for this function, this can be accomplished through editing an .ini file, either for a single provider or for all providers. This is outlined in the DMPE 2.0 Administrator's Guide.

For more information on the Dictation Box, either click on the contextual Help button in the lower-right within the Dictation Box tab, or review the "Using the Dictation Box" topic under DragonBar > Help > Help Topics.
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Did you know how to enable and use the features included in the Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.0 Hidden Dictation box?
As mentioned in the preceding article, Dragon Medical Practice Edition version 2 introduces the Hidden Dictation Box, which is designed for healthcare providers who want to dictate while browsing in an Electronic Medical Record system for more patient data, or browsing in any other application for that matter.
If you have Hidden Dictation Box enabled, the Dictation Box window appears as the top window on the screen, with a level of transparency that you set. As you dictate, the recognized text goes into the Dictation Box regardless of where you click. With Hidden Dictation Box, you can see what you are dictating while viewing other applications on your screen.
If a user sets the focus to the Hidden Dictation Box, the Dictation Box will lose transparency, but when the Dictation Box loses focus, it becomes hidden again.
Note: You can have only one Dictation Box open at a time.
Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to enable and use the Hidden Dictation Box.
Enabling the Hidden Dictation Box
Complete the following steps to enable the Hidden Dictation Box:
- Select Tools > Options from the DragonBar. The Options dialog box appears.
- Click the Dictation Box tab.
- In the Hidden Dictation Box behavior section, select the Open Dictation Box as hidden option.
- In the Dictation Box visibility field, set the transparency level you want.
- Optionally, turn on the Allow user commands when hidden and Allow voice dictation commands when hidden options.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Working with the Hidden Dictation Box
When you have Hidden Dictation Box enabled, it always displays on top of any windows on your screen. All dictated text will be added to the Dictation Box regardless of where the cursor is located or which application you are clicking in. You can then freely navigate in and between applications (like EMR or a PACS-RIS systems) while dictating.
When you have finished dictating, place the cursor in the application window where the text should appear and say "Transfer Text" or use the Transfer Text hotkey (CTRL+SHIFT+T) to transfer the text to the selected application.
Applications Where You Can Transfer Text from Transparent Mode
You can transfer text into any application that can receive pasted text using one of the paste methods indicated in the Dictation Box settings Paste options section. Nuance recommends that you test using the Dictation Box procedure with the application of your choice before you officially deploy it.
Voice Commands Supported in Hidden Dictation Box
Hidden Dictation Box supports the following commands:
Text and Graphics Commands
All text and graphics commands, including commands for Dragon templates.
Editing Commands
Includes the following editing commands:
- "Select that" or "Select <text>," where <text> is a word or phrase in the document.
- "Insert before <text>" or "Insert after <text>", where <text> is a word or phrase in the document.
- "Correct that" or "Correct <text>," where <text> is a word or phrase in the document.
- "Delete that" or "Delete <text>," where <text> is a word or phrase in the document.
- "Cap that" or "Cap <text>," where <text> is a word or phrase in the document.
- "Cut that" or "Cut<text>," where <text> is a word or phrase in the document.
Formatting Commands
Includes the following formatting commands:
- "Dictation box bold that" or "Dictation box bold selection"
- "Dictation box underline that" or "Dictation box underline selection"
- "Dictation box italicize that" or "Dictation box italicize selection"
- "Dictation box change that to <font name>" or "Dictation box change selection to <font name>", where <font name> is one of the following fonts: Arial, Garamond, Helvetica, Palatino, Times New Roman, Courier, or Lucida Console.
- "Dictation box change that to <font size>" or "Dictation box change selection to <font size>", where <font size> is a value from 8 to 20.
IMPORTANT: Your custom commands created in the MyCommands Editor are not available when using Hidden Dictation Box.
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