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April 2014, Volume 4, Number 4

Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS where you will find tips about:

    eTIP 1: Using a voice command to delete a report that was mistakenly dictated. See eTIPS video.

    eTIP 2: Using "insert" as a voice command to insert auto-text will cause problems in other areas of the report.

    eTIP 3: Completely removing a word from your vocabulary list.

Be sure to click Meet a Team Member to meet Pete Doel.

Click for more information about Nuance's PowerShare Network

The benefits

Easy access to complete patient information. Quickly and easily access images plus reports from any desktop or mobile device, advancing workflows and eliminating cumbersome CDs.

Better, quicker care decisions. Access all patient images regardless of their origin to expedite important care decisions, reduce redundant exams and unnecessary radiation exposure, and improve patient outcomes.

Native EHR integrations. Enable front desk staff, physicians, and patients to manage and access imaging seamlessly through existing EHR workflows and patient portals.

Minimize costs and IT burdens. Secure, cloud-based access requires no VPN or costly onsite servers, for rapid and cost-effective connectivity—further minimize IT hassles by leveraging your existing PowerScribe investment and interfaces.

Click for more information about Nuance's PowerShare Network


Did you know you could use a voice command to delete a report that was mistakenly dictated?

If you find that you just dictated a report on the wrong patient or simply didn't mean to create a dictation on the given order, you can easily delete the report by using the voice command "discard report."

Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to use the Discard Report voice command.

eTIPS Video

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Did you know using the word "insert" as a chosen voice command to insert auto-text into a report may cause problems in other areas of the report?

PowerScribe 360 | Reporting allows for a radiologist to choose a trigger word that will be used as a voice command to insert auto-text. This feature is found in the Dictation area of the provider's user profile settings. The radiologist can choose from four options including, "Dictaphone, PowerScribe, Macro, or Auto-text," or type any other word he chooses.

Choosing the word "insert" as a voice command to insert Auto-Text is not a good choice in that it is already a system voice command that allows a radiologist to tell the system that he or she would like to "insert" new dictation after the next "word" spoken. The system acts on this command by relocating the cursor to the space following the "word" and the dictation that follows will be inserted into that location of the report.

For example: If you dictate the word "chest" in the findings section of a report and then dictate "insert chest" into the impression section in an attempt to insert an auto-text named chest, the system will think you are trying to insert new dictation after the word chest, which it finds in the findings section, as opposed to inserting the auto-text titled chest into the impression. At this point, the system will move the cursor to the location just after the word "chest" in the findings section and insert any new dictation into that location.

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Did you know you could completely remove a word from your vocabulary list?

PowerScribe 360 | Reporting has a feature that allows radiologists to have greater control over words in their vocabulary list. From within the PowerScribe 360 | Reporting client, radiologists can access the vocabulary editor to remove any of the words listed. This is a powerful tool that could help improve recognition accuracy. For example:

  • If a radiologist finds that he or she is dictating a word which the system always recognizes as the same incorrect word, and the incorrect word is never used by the radiologist, then removing the incorrect word from the vocabulary will solve this recognition error.
  • If a radiologist mistakenly added a word from the spelling checker that is misspelled, he or she can use the vocabulary editor to remove this word from their vocabulary list.

Perform the following to access the Vocabulary Editor and remove a word.

  1. Launch the PowerScribe 360 | Reporting client application and log in with your credentials.
  2. On the Menu bar, click Speech > Vocabulary Editor. The Vocabulary Editor dialog box will appear, as follows.
  3. Vocabulary Editor

  4. Type the word in the Written form box.
  5. Find the word in the list and click on it to highlight.
  6. Click the Delete button.

IMPORTANT: In some cases, removing a word may actually create a different issue. For Example: A Radiologist experienced an issue after removing the word "Para" which resulted into the system misrecognize words that begin with "para." After removing "para" and dictating, "paracentesis procedure was performed," the system would recognize the dictation as a "paragraph return" followed by the sentence, "The procedure was performed." This issue was resolved by adding the word "para" back into the vocabulary and altering the spoken form of the word "para" to "pair of."

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iSupportWhat's New

For a complete listing of all updates for all released versions, login to iSupport and search for solution #14782: PowerScribe 360 | Reporting What's New Documentation. If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started with iSupport.

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Fixed ImageWhat's Fixed

To view an expanded What's Fixed listing, by product version, please login to iSupport and search for solution #14686: PowerScribe 360 | Reporting User Documentation. Click the link titled Service Packs, Patches, and Fixes for PowerScribe 360 VX.X. If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started with iSupport.

If you are experiencing one or more of the issues described in the What's Fixed listing and would like to be updated to the corrected release. please submit a service request to Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services through iSupport or by calling (800) 833-7776.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • #16345 PowerScribe 360| Reporting Third Party Updates
  • #14686 PowerScribe 360 | Reporting User Documentation
  • #16360 Introduction to ChargeMasters
  • #14415 eTIPS Newsletter Archive - PowerScribe 360 | Reporting
  • #14455 Did you know ACO and LMO processes run periodically to improve recognition accuracy for PowerScribe 360 users?
  • #14782 PowerScribe 360 | Reporting What's New Documentation
  • #15894 Video - Using the "Assisted Diagnosis" feature to search diagnostic related websites from within the PS360 Reporting application
  • #15974 Considerations for Successful Implementations of VMware Environments for PowerScribe
  • #16347 PowerScribe 360 | Reporting Accounts and Passwords Required for Installs and Upgrades

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply login to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to view instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member.

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Pete DoelMeet Pete Doel

Pete Doel is a support Engineer for the Diagnostic Technical Support team at Nuance. Pete works with internal and external customers providing technical and operational support as well as on site field support as needed. Pete is continuously focused on ensuring our customers are achieving the highest level of satisfaction with their Nuance Products and support.

Outside of Nuance, Pete trains for marathons and is participating in his seventh marathon this coming Sunday. In addition, Pete is an avid dog lover and has two Jack Russell Terriers. Pete is also a car enthusiast, with a preference for German Engineering.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Nuance Healthcare Technical Support team, available 24x7x365, services our PowerScribe 360 | Reporting customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

This team can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems, and it is available toll-free 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. So, at the prompt, simply say: PowerScribe 360 Reporting Support

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started.

Nuance Depot Repair Service

Click here for a Web Form to submit a Depot Repair Service Request for Connexions Station (C-phone), Optic Mic, PowerMic, Philips Speech Mic, tape-based recording devices, digital recorders, etc. iSupport members can save time by simply logging in to iSupport and submitting a service request choosing "Depot" as the Request Type.

NOTE: There is no need to submit a Depot Repair Service Request on a PowerMic under a current Nuance Maintenance Contract. Call Nuance's Customer Account Management team at 800-339-7683 to get the broken PowerMic replaced. At the prompt simply say, "PowerMic Replacement."

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's PowerScribe 360 | Reporting customer support team is available at the following Nuance Technical Support website:

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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