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August 2015, Volume 7, Number 8

Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS, where you will find tips about:

eTIP 1:
User Profile Creation for DMNE 2.x.

eTIP 2: Dragon Medical Support for Microsoft Windows 10.

eTIP 3: Disable Audio Setup Wizard (ASW) Prompt.

eTIP 4: Resolving Dragon Medical Hotkey Conflicts.

eTIP 5: Dragon Medical Tutorial and Training Resources.

Driven By Dragon - Webinar Series

ATTENTION: As of July 16, 2015

  • We have changed our webinar hosting service to WebEx Event Center.
  • Therefore, if you have previously registered for the October 8th webinar, please click here to register again
    and receive new meeting coordinates.
  • All audio will now be available through your computer's sound system (including the Question and Answer audio). A teleconference call is no longer required.

Click Webinar for information to keep you up-to-date with Dragon Medical's Driven By Dragon Webinar series.

Tina...the web interactive support tool.
Click here for the latest improvements and information.



Did you know how to create user profiles in DMNE 2.x?

Review the steps in the video link below for creating a user profile on the Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DMNE), version 2.x client.

This procedure uses the New User Profile wizard, accessed by clicking Profile > New User Profile on the DragonBar and then clicking New.

Click the image below to play this video that covers the creation of user profiles for the Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DMNE), version 2.x client.

Click Here

VIDEO: User Profile creation procedure for DMNE 2.x
(4:49 minutes, provided by James West)

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to  iSupport and search for solution 16803: VIDEO: User Profile creation procedure for DMNE 2.x

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Did you know how to stay informed of the emerging Windows 10 support position for Dragon Medical?

On July 29, 2015, Microsoft officially began releasing its latest operating system, Windows 10. According to Microsoft, Windows 10 will be available as a free upgrade for qualified and genuine Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 devices.

iSupport solution, 16430, will provide the emerging support position for each of our Dragon Medical products with the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.

IMPORTANT: This iSupport solution is not yet finalized. For email notification of emerging updates as they become available, please refer to iSupport solution 16430 for instructions on how to enable the iSupport Quick Link feature.

Formal evaluation of Windows 10 support for the Dragon Medical line of products is ongoing for:

  • Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition
  • Dragon Medical 360 | Direct
  • Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.x
    (North American and International English, German, French, and Dutch)
  • Dragon Medical Practice Edition (Spanish)

Early findings and customer feed-back on Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition, and Dragon Medical Practice Edition indicate that dictation in previously supported applications also works under Windows 10.

There have been reports that voice commands do not function as designed in some applications. For example, voice command issues have been identified in Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016, but not in Office 2010. Nuance is investigating the cause, and will provide more details as soon as possible. For customers currently relying on voice commands when using any of the Dragon Medical products, Nuance recommends to postpone upgrading to Windows 10 until we are able to provide a solution to this possible issue.

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport  and search for solution 16782: Dragon Medical Support for Microsoft Windows 10

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Did you know how to disable the Audio Setup Wizard (ASW) prompt?

The Dragon Medical Audio Setup Wizard (ASW) is also known as the Check Your Audio Settings option in the Dragon Medical Accuracy Center.

The Dragon Medical ASW tests and adjusts the record level for the user profile's audio input device (microphone) to achieve the optimal acoustic setting.  This can directly influence speech recognition accuracy.  The ASW consists of two (2) parts: the Volume Check and the Quality Check.

Users may be presented with the message below prompting them to re-run the Audio Setup Wizard (ASW) for Dragon Medical clients.  This can occur even if the ASW has previously been completed for this user, on this computer, and with this audio input device.

The Audio Setup Wizard has not yet been successfully run for this user and dictation source.  We will give you the opportunity now.

This topic applies to Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DMNE) and Dragon Medical Practice Edition (DMPE) products.

Reasons this Message is Presented:

  1. Dragon Medical remembers the last USB port ID used for each audio input device. If the USB port is changed for an input device - for example, a PowerMic II is plugged into a different USB port - the ASW will need to be completed again.
  2. If changes are made to the computer's sound system (sound card hardware or configuration settings), the ASW will react appropriately to optimize for those changes in the audio environment.

  3. A Dragon Medical audio.ini file within every user profile stores the computer name and input device for each workstation dictated at.  When the profile is opened, Dragon checks for the existence of that pairing (computer name / input device) and if it does not exist, the user is prompted to run ASW.
  4. In the older version 10 Dragon Medical clients, profiles could retain audio settings for only ten (10) computer and input device combinations. Once a specific user roams and attempts to open the eleventh (11th) combination, a previous combination will be overwritten.  When that overwritten combination is next accessed by the user, Dragon considers this to be a new combination and will therefore prompt to complete ASW again.  There is a workaround to increase the default number of audio setting combinations supported by Dragon.  This can be increased through manually editing the nssystem.ini file in the following steps:

    1. Locate and make a backup copy of the nssystem.ini file:
      (Win 7) C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\
      (Win XP) C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\
    2. Open nssystem.ini with any text editor (i.e. Notepad).
    3. Navigate to the last entry of the [Settings] section.
    4. Add the following line:
          Number of Audio Settings= <number of desired entries>
          For example: Number of Audio Settings=99
    5. Save the file and then re-launch Dragon Medical.

CAUTION: Disabling ASW Can Negatively Influence Recognition Accuracy

By design, the Dragon Medical product places speech recognition accuracy at a premium by requiring that every user profile complete the ASW for every workstation dictated from.  This means that Dragon Medical users configured to roam to multiple workstations would need to run the ASW on each computer they would dictate from. 

Nuance's approach to providing optimal speech recognition accuracy has been proven over many Dragon Medical versions.  There are multiple factors contributing to recognition accuracy, with subtle differences at each workstation environment affecting a user's recognition experience.  These differences include:

  • Computer hardware (including multimedia/sound cards for Mic-in)
  • Computer software and configuration (operating system, USB settings, Dragon Medical settings, workstation resources, sound systems, etc.)
  • Input device(s) used and their consistent positioning
  • Each workstation's ambient audio environment (background noise)
  • Changes in the individual provider's acoustic signature (any factor changing consistent characteristics of the voice - allergies, sickness, fatigue, etc.)

Nuance strongly recommends that users complete the ASW.  This would be our Best Practice, as each user's recognition accuracy benefits from regular execution of the ASW.  This is especially relevant at the inception of a new user/workstation where ASW can guide the user in finding and maintaining the optimal input device positioning.

Disable Audio Setup Wizard

However, there is a Dragon setting for both the DMNE and DMPE Editions called Set audio levels on each machine which is located at:

    DMNE NMC (Nuance Management Console):  
    Site > Master User Profile tab

    DMPE DragonBar:  
    Administrative Options
    > Roaming tab

This setting is enabled (checkbox checked) by default, but can be disabled (checkbox unchecked) before the provider's first session in a master or roaming profile configuration. 


    ASW Message


Once this setting is disabled, ASW will then run only once for that user profile.  Once ASW is initially run for that user profile, the user would no longer be prompted to run ASW at additional workstations when this setting is disabled.

CAUTION:  Disabling this setting makes a rather large assumption that all workstation hardware/software/configuration and ambient audio environments are the same.  Disabling this setting can adversely affect speech recognition accuracy.

In situations where Dragon detects differences as a result of changes to any of the aforementioned factors, Dragon Medical will initiate ASW to run, even if this setting is disabled.

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution 16809: Disable Audio Setup Wizard (ASW) Prompt

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Did you know how to resolve Dragon Medical hotkey conflicts?

Customers using Dragon Medical products may experience Hotkey conflicts with other applications that have registered (mapped) the same hotkey prior to the customer launching Dragon Medical. In that case, Dragon Medical will present a message such as one of the following:

    "The Microphone hot key was not installed. It conflicts with another hot key installed by another application."
    "The Push-to-talk hot key was not installed. It conflicts with a hot key installed by another application." 
    "The Process Document hot key was not installed. It conflicts with a hot key installed by another application."

For example, commonly reported hotkey conflicts include:

  • Microphone On/Off (number pad +) hotkey between Dragon Medical 360 | Direct and Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition
  • Process Documents hotkey between TechSmith SnagIt and Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition

Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts used to execute common actions. Only one (1) application can map to a hotkey at any one time. Hotkey mappings do not allow multiple mappings.

Hotkeys can behave intermittently if the assigned application is not running when Dragon Medical is attempting to use that same hotkey.

Dragon Medical Hotkey Conflicts

Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition and Dragon Medical Practice Edition

Dragon Medical customers can view or change their current assignments for hotkeys, located on the DragonBar under Options menu > Hot keys tab.

Note: Laptop computers without a numeric keypad may not support the default hotkeys for Dragon Medical. Depending on the laptop, keypad equivalents may be able to be associated with the function keys. Check the laptop manufacturer's documentation for more information. Alternatively, Dragon Medical hotkeys can be reassigned as mentioned above.

Third-Party Utility Solution

Otherwise, customers can try third-party utilities to manage their hotkey assignments and resolve conflicts. One free utility (at the time of this writing) is Windows Hotkey Explorer.

Note: The recommendation of a third-party utility is solely made as a convenience for our customers. Nuance does not endorse or provide support for third-party utilities.

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution 16762: Redirect vSync MiniTracker.log File Location

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Did you know what Dragon Medical tutorial and training resources are available?

Customers using Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition (DMNE) and Dragon Medical Practice Edition (DMPE) products have the following tutorial materials and training resources available to assist with achieving successful adoption of Dragon Medical healthcare solutions within their environment.

DragonBar Tutorials

The Dragon Medical client's DragonBar provides direct links to two (2) tutorials that cover client operations.

Click Help on the DragonBar toolbar.

DragonBar Interactive Tutorial
The Dragon Medical client comes with an Interactive Tutorial featuring content that is beneficial for even proficient users. Browse through the tutorial sections to learn about newer features, like the "Go Back" command.

Key features of the Interactive Tutorial include:

  • Simulating common tasks so users can review task execution and the expected result.
  • Presenting tasks in a progressive sequence, so users build knowledge logically.
  • Educating users as to the best practices for speaking to Dragon Medical
  • Teaching users in a safe, controlled environment so that users can practice and learn from mistakes, without consequence.
  • Each lesson is short, so users can prepare to get to work quickly.
  • Each lesson includes a script for users to practice dictating with.

The Dragon Medical client prompts the users to complete the Interactive Tutorial immediately after the software is installed. Otherwise, this tutorial can be launched at any time from the DragonBar's toolbar: Help > Interactive Tutorial.

Note: The user must open their profile to activate the Interactive Tutorial menu option.

DragonBar Online Tutorial
For even more help using Dragon Medical, use the Online Tutorial. The Online Tutorial guides users through key information about how to use Dragon Medical, and includes many examples and videos. Users can navigate to specific areas of interest and return to previously viewed information within this tutorial.

To launch the Online Tutorial, go to the DragonBar and select Help > Tutorial.

Note: Please note that internet access is required to view the Online Tutorial.

Video Resources

As well, the Dragon Medical Support team provides individual videos on specific topics within iSupport solutions (articles). Search iSupport for video content by these methods:

  • Search for the string "video". Recent iSupport solutions with video content have the string "VIDEO" at the beginning of their title.
  • Solution #14418 - eTIPS Video Library for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition & Dragon Medical Practice Edition

User Documentation From iSupport

User documentation for Dragon Medical can assist users, administrators, and trainers by providing the following resources:

  • User Guides
  • Provider Packet
  • Courseware and Reference Guides

These resources are available from iSupport solutions, by product:

  • Refer to iSupport solution #14111 - Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition User Documentation
  • Refer to iSupport solution #14526 - Dragon Medical Practice Edition User Documentation

Training by Nuance Professional Services

Nuance can provide customized training directly or remotely to Dragon Medical customers. For information on pricing and purchasing training for Dragon Medical products by our Professional Services team, please contact your Account Executive, or call Nuance Sales at: 866-748-9537.

Listed below are generic training agendas for review:

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution 16775: Dragon Medical Tutorial and Training Resources

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Driven By Dragon - Webinar Series

ATTENTION: As of July 16, 2015

  • We have changed our webinar hosting service to WebEx Event Center.
  • Therefore, if you have previously registered for the October 8th webinar, please register again by clicking the REGISTER button below to receive new meeting coordinates.
  • All audio will now be available through your computer's sound system (including the Question and Answer audio). A teleconference call is no longer required.

The next quarterly Webinar for our Dragon Medical customers is: Thursday, October 8th, 2015. To register, please click the Register button below:

Click to Register

Thursday, October 8th, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST

Recently on July 10th, Dragon Medical Technical Support presented our latest Driven by Dragon Webinar. The content included the following topics:

  • Customer Stories
  • New and pending software releases for Dragon Medical products
  • Documentation and iSupport content improvements
  • Technical Spotlight: PowerMic Mobile installation and operation
  • Question and Answer

To review recorded Webinars from the Driven By Dragon series, please click the video links below:

Dragon Medical Driven By Dragon
Quarterly Webinar Recordings

Description Length

3Q' 2015 - July 10
Requires several minutes to begin playback


488 MB


2Q' 2015 - April 9


117 MB


1Q' 2015 - January 8


190 MB


4Q' 2014 - October 9


51 MB


3Q' 2014 - July 10


20 MB


To learn more about the Driven by Dragon Webinar Series and to keep current with any changes to this topic, including external links to recorded video for customers without iSupport access, log in to iSupport and search for solution:

    #16449: Dragon Medical "Driven by Dragon" - Quarterly Customer Webinar Series

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started with iSupport.

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TinaWhat's New with Tina?

Tina, Nuance's web interactive support tool, is a text-based, chat window hosted on your iSupport Home tab that delivers self-service support. Tina offers a human-like conversational approach when communicating with Nuance's customers. The focus for Tina is to quickly and accurately answer common questions about the Dragon Medical product.

July Analytics
This past month's reporting analytics for Tina show the following metrics:

  • 285 Conversations
  • 75% First Contact Answer again...where the percentage of user inquiries are resolved with the first answer.

Survey Results
The chart below monitors customer response to the two survey questions presented after the first content link is clicked within a Tina session:

  1. Quality of iSupport content provided
  2. Overall experience with Tina


Latest Content Addition To Tina!

Content iSupport
Sign up to receive DataCenter Maintenance Alerts 16768
Subscribe to iSupport solution notifications using Quick Links  
Driven by Dragon webinar registration and playback 16449
Available tutorial, video, and training resources 16775
Windows 10 support 16782
Nuance Management Console (NMC) login procedure 16773
Maintaining free disk space 16721
Monitoring DMNE server services 16691
Recommended startup and shutdown order for DMNE server services 16691
How mobile devices can be used with Dragon Medical 16697
Disabling Audio Setup Wizard (ASW) Prompt 16809
Resolving hotkey conflicts 16780
QuickStart Mode operation  
How the five recognition modes work 16777
Dosage abbreviations and expansions 16683
Apache WebDAV configuration 16401
athenaNet EHR recommendations 16778
MiniTracker install / upgrade 16704
Enable MiniTracker logging 16705
Change the MiniTracker.log file location 16762
Resolve "Error opening installation log file" uninstalling MiniTracker 16708
Confirm MiniDragon process is running 16706
SQL Certificate of Software Purchase 16733
SQL End User License Agreement (EULA) 16733
Dragon Medical client End User License Agreement (EULA) 16465

In order to further improve our customer's experience, the Dragon Medical Support Team continues to add additional content and optimize Tina's capabilities.

So, please continue to ask Tina your questions!

Press the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on the operation of Tina.

Tina Introduction Video

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iSupportWhat's New with Software Releases?

Dragon Medical Hosted on Nuance Cloud
DataCenter customers subscribe to Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition and Dragon Medical 360 | Direct, hosted on the Nuance Cloud.

New[DataCenter update completed 8/16/15]
Nuance Management Server (NMS) version 5.0

This NMS 5.0 release is currently not released for upgrades to customer, DMNE on-premise systems.

For information on new features and enhancements for NMS 5.0 from the What's New document, please login to iSupport and search for solution:

    #16800: NMS 5.0 (build release for Hosted Dragon Medical products on Nuance Cloud

Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition

    [Available for download from iSupport 7/14/15]
    Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition client, version 2.4.1 (build
    ENU (North American English) and ENG (UK English)

For a complete listing of all software releases and associated release documentation, login to iSupport and search for solution:

    (North American English only)
    : Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition - What's New and Can I download the Current Version?"

    : DMNE Software Downloads for International Customers - ENG (United Kingdom English)

Dragon Medical 360 | Practice Edition

New[Released 8/20/15]
Dragon Medical Practice Edition, version 3.0, FRA (French, German, UK English)

    [Available for download from iSupport 12/1/14]
    Dragon Medical Practice Edition, version 2.2, ENU (North American English) with Windows 8.1 support

For a complete listing of all software releases and associated release documentation, login to iSupport and search for solutions:

    (North American English only)
    : Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?

    : DMPE International Software Downloads

Dragon Medical 360 | Direct

New[Released 8/6/15]
Dragon Medical 360 | Direct, version 2.0 Service Release 6

For a complete listing of all software releases and associated release documentation, login to iSupport and search for solution:

    #15913: Dragon Medical 360 | Direct - Documentation & Release Notes

PowerPack™ Search My Commands™ Clinical Calculators™

    [Available for download from iSupport 3/16/15]
    Version14.10.0109 SMC PP CC for Dragon Medical Clients

For more information on this Dragon Medical product offering, login to iSupport and search for solution:

    #16430: DM360 PowerPack™/Search My Commands™/Clinical Calculators™ - Software Download and Documentation

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • #14111 Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition User Documentation
  • #16778 athenaNet Recommendations for Dragon Medical
  • #16782 Dragon Medical Support for Microsoft Windows 10
  • #16800 NMS 5.0 (build release for Hosted Dragon Medical products on Nuance Cloud
  • #16803 VIDEO: User Profile creation procedure for DMNE 2.x
  • #14274 Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition What's New and Can I Download the Current Version?
  • #14281 Dragon Medical NuanceLink Medical Updates
  • #16797 Internet Explorer delays new line until after additional input is entered
  • #14918 McAfee Antivirus Interferes with Dragon Medical Operation
  • #16775 Dragon Medical Tutorial and Training Resources
  • #16777 Dragon Medical's five (5) Recognition Modes explained
  • #16778 athenaNet Recommendations for Dragon Medical
  • #16780 Dragon Medical Hotkey Conflicts
  • #14023 Dragon Medical support policy for EHR systems
  • #16768 Customer Notification for Nuance DataCenter Maintenance Alerts
  • #16772 DMNE 2.3 Clients freezing on "ListProgramsDialog" control

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply log in to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to view instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Healthcare Support team available 24x7x365 services customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

This organization can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems. It's available toll-free at 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. At the prompt simply say:

    "Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Support" or
    "Dragon Medical Practice Edition"

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

Nuance Depot Repair Service

Click here for a Web Form to submit a Depot Repair Service Request for Connexions Station (C-phone), Optic Mic, PowerMic, Philips Speech Mic, tape-based recording devices, digital recorders, etc. iSupport members can save time by simply logging in to iSupport and submitting a service request choosing "Depot" as the Request Type.

NOTE: There is no need to submit a Depot Repair Service Request on a PowerMic under a current Nuance Maintenance Contract. Call Nuance's Customer Account Management team at 800-339-7683 to get the broken PowerMic replaced. At the prompt simply say, "PowerMic Replacement."

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's customer support team is available at Nuance's Technical Support websites:

Click here for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition

Click here for Dragon Medical Practice Edition:

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Nuance Welcomes Your Feedback

We are very much interested in your feedback regarding this eTIPS newsletter.
Click here
to reply to this email with your comments or suggestions.

We would love to hear your ideas for future eTIPS newsletters. If you have an idea, suggestion or an article you would like included in our eTIPS newsletter,
Click here
to email your idea to our eTIPS editor.

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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