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Did you know how to enable Google Chrome for direct dictation using DMO 3.2?
Customers using Dragon Medical One (DMO), version 3.2 and higher, can take advantage of Google Chrome support to allow for dictation at the cursor, voice selection and correction, and auto-text field navigation for Chrome-based applications. For Google Chrome support, a separate plug-in must be installed from the Chrome Web Store (available here). Procedure To add the DMO Chrome extension available from the Google Chrome store, follow these steps: - Open Google Chrome.
- Click on the ellipsis to open the Customize and control Google Chrome menu.
- Click the Settings menu option.

- Click the Extensions menu option.
- Click the Get more extensions link.
- Search the Chrome web store by entering "Dragon Medical One Web Extension" into the search field.

- Click the Add To Chrome button to install the new DMO extension.
- Click the Add extension button on the popup window.
- Launch DMO (if not launched prior) to add the DMO native messaging channel.
NOTE: The messaging channel is required to allow DMO access to this plug-in. If the message below does not pop up, the messaging channel may have been installed during a previous attempt to launch DMO.

The Chrome browser will need to be restarted if the above message is displayed.
Windows Group Policy
Customers have another option in which to automate the addition of the DMO extension by using a Windows group policy. See iSupport solution:
Solution #19204 - Adding Google Chrome extension for DMO 3.2 through group policy
To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution 19183: Enabling Google Chrome for direct dictation using DMO 3.2 and higher.
To save any solution as a Quick Link on the iSupport home page, click the Add To Quick Links button found on the upper-right of this, or any, iSupport solution.
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Did you know how to resolve DMO installation files from being blocked from opening by Windows?
Customers installing Dragon Medical One (DMO) may be presented with a pop-up window like the one below:
Microsoft Windows:
Open File - Security Warning: C:Program Files (x86)\Dragon Medical One\thunk_x64.exe

The issue is that when customers downloaded the DMO software installation ZIP file, it was recognized as coming from an unsecure internet zone. Depending the customer's Group Policy security settings, Microsoft Windows marks these downloaded files as unsafe and blocks them. This means that all .exe and .dll files are marked as unsafe by Windows when unzipped.
The downloaded ZIP file should be unblocked to allow Windows .NET to execute properly when the application is started. Customers should perform one (1) of three actions below to unblock the downloaded files:
- Add the download site (for Nuance Communications) to their Trusted Sites. Download again and then reinstall.
- Right-click the current downloaded ZIP file and select Properties. On the General tab, click Unblock and Apply.
- Right-click each file in the folder and subfolder, and unblock.
To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution 19063: DMO installation files blocked from opening by Windows.
To save this solution as a Quick Link on the iSupport home page, click the Add To Quick Links button found on the upper-right of this, or any, iSupport solution.
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Did you know the latest on submitting Nuance PowerMic microphones for replacement or repair?
Troubleshooting PowerMic Microphones Before Submitting for Replacement or Repair
When a provider experiences trouble using their PowerMic microphone or is presented with a message stating that their PowerMic microphone is disconnected, the problem may not be with the microphone itself.
For Dragon Medical customers with a PowerMic that is inoperable and suspect it needs repair, please follow the steps below to assist in isolating their PowerMic as the actual source of the problem:
- In the Dragon Medical Open User window, ensure the correct Dictation Source of "PowerMic" is assigned to the user profile.
- Verify there is a PowerMic tab under the Dragon Medical client's User Options window.
- Try re-seating the PowerMic into another USB port to see if another USB port resolves the issue.
- Try using the PowerMic on another workstation to see if this is workstation issue.
- Check that the Windows operating system recognizes the PowerMic through its Audio and Sound Properties.
- Temporarily disable the anti-virus application and confirm that Nuance's recommended anti-virus exclusions are present.
Instructions on Submitting PowerMic Microphones for Replacement
If after following the above steps and isolating the problem to the PowerMic, please call Nuance Customer Account Management Center (CAMC) to submit a replacement request for this device by calling 800-339-7683 ...and say "Customer Account Management".
PowerMic replacement is coordinated through the CAMC, available Monday through Friday, 8AM - 5PM EST, excluding holidays.
Defective microphones will be replaced at no charge if protected by an active maintenance contract.
Instructions on Submitting PowerMic Microphones for Repair
If a PowerMic unit requires repair and is not protected under a maintenance contract, the PowerMic can be repaired at a flat charge of $202.00 by calling 800-677-7927 and saying "Depot Repair".
NOTE: The above price is subject to change and was the current rate as of October 14, 2016.
To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution 16540: Instructions on Submitting Dragon Medical PowerMic Microphones for Replacement or Repair.
To save this solution as a Quick Link on the iSupport home page, click the Add To Quick Links button found on the upper-right of this, or any, iSupport solution.
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Did you know what to do if Imprivata OneSign SSO fails DMO manual log off?
Customers using Dragon Medical One (DMO) and the Imprivata OneSign SSO solution can experience a failure of Imprivata to automate logoff from DMO.
Specifically, the Imprivata UI Automation framework integration is not able to interact with the DMO login screen after the end user manually logs off from DMO.
Imprivata is using UI automation to automate the DMO logon process for end users. Imprivata is able to log the user on, successfully starting the DMO application and entering user credentials. However, in the case where the end user logs off DMO via the Dragon Menu > Logoff option, DMO displays the login screen; but Imprivata is not able to interact with the login screen from this point forward. Imprivata states that their tool does not "see" the login window and therefore cannot log the user on again.
This will not occur if the command line option is used to log off DMO. See the DMO Installation and Administration Guide from iSupport solution #15913 Dragon Medical One - Documentation & Release Notes
To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for Solution 18923: Imprivata OneSign SSO fails DMO manual log off.
To save this solution as a Quick Link on the iSupport home page, click the Add To Quick Links button found on the upper-right of this, or any, iSupport solution.
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