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December 2014, Volume 6, Number 12

Nuance is pleased to present you with this edition of eTIPS, where you will find tips about:

    eTIP 1: Introducing the Dragon Medical ERROR Matrix.

    eTIP 2: Adding an Additional Dictation Source in Dragon Medical.

    eTIP 3: Determining if PowerMic Microphones require repair.

Click Webinar for information to keep you up-to-date with Nuance's Driven By Dragon webinar series. Also, please re-register for any previously registered webinars as new meeting coordinates have been issued.

Click Nina for information about Nina the Intelligent Virtual Assistant.



Did you know about the new Dragon Medical ERROR Matrix?

A new iSupport resource called the Dragon Medical ERROR Matrix is available through iSupport solution 16543 and is designed to assist our Dragon Medical customers with more quickly identifying errors and their solutions. This is accomplished by providing a single source of searchable information through the ERROR Matrix and its expandable tables. Currently, there are two (2) expandable tables:

  • General ERRORS table - containing errors not related to profile corruption or recognition accuracy issues
  • Profile Corruption ERRORS table
  • (With a third planned table in the future for recognition accuracy issues)

Click the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration on how to use the new Dragon Medical ERROR Matrix.

eTIPS Video

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution #16543: The Dragon Medical ERROR Matrix.

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Did you know how to add an additional Dictation Source in Dragon Medical?

A user can add a variety of Dictation Sources or input devices (microphones, headsets, smartphones, and portable recording devices) to a single user profile. This is beneficial for example when different Dictation Sources are needed for compound workflows, multiple computers in a roaming environment, or personal preferences.

User Profile Components

Before using Dragon Medical, a set of user files must be created to construct the user profile. The three (3) main components of a user profile are:

  • Vocabulary(s)
    A collection of the majority of words recognized by Dragon Medical including custom words and phrases.
  • Acoustic Model(s)
    A statistical representation of sound patterns comprising individual words. Dragon Medical modifies the acoustic model to reflect each user's particular voice during initial product training (General Training), when corrections are made, when training individual words, and when performing supplemental training. A separate Acoustic Model is created for each Dictation Source added to the user profile.
  • Language Model
    Contains usage and statistical information about vocabulary words for predicting which words are most likely to occur in the context of the user's speech.

Dictation Sources

In general, the Dictation Source is referred to as the type of device into which you will be speaking (input device or microphone). The most common choice is a headset microphone plugged into the Mic-in jack of the computer's sound card. The audio quality from between different dictation sources can vary greatly. So, it is very important that the proper Dictation Source type is selected during the Dragon Medical New User Wizard and Audio Setup Wizard.

Here is a list of the Dictation Source types listed by Dragon Medical when creating a user profile or adding a Dictation Source. Note, not all Dictation Source types listed below are available on older versions of Dragon Medical software.

  • Microphone plugged into Mic-In jack (most common)
  • Microphone plugged into Line-In jack
  • Desktop array microphone plugged into Mic-In jack
  • Desktop array microphone plugged into Line-In jack
  • Andrea Superbeam array microphone
  • USB Microphone
  • Desktop array USB microphone
  • BlueTooth Microphone
  • PowerMic Microphone
  • Recording device plugged unto Line-In jack
  • Digital recorder using sound files (.wav, .mp3, .wma) on disk
  • Dragon Remote Microphone Application - mobile device used as a wireless microphone.
  • Handheld or smartphone with recording application - handheld device or smartphone dictating to a separate recording application and then connecting to a computer through a USB port.

If you have multiple input devices (microphones, headsets, recorders), it may be necessary to setup an additional user profile rather than adding an additional Dictation Source. Here are some guidelines:

  • A Dictation Source type can only be assigned once to a user profile. Once it is assigned to a specific user profile, that Dictation Source is removed from the list of available Dictation Sources and cannot be added as an additional Dictation Source to that same user profile. Therefore, if attempting to add the same Dictation Source type, it is necessary to create a second Dragon user profile. For example, if the first device is a Olympus Digital Recorder and the second device is a Philips Digital Recorder, it would be necessary to create a separate Dragon user profile for each Dictation Source since the Dictation Source type is the same (Digital Audio Recorder) for both recorders.
  • If the Dictation Source type is different, an additional Dictation Source can be created for that same user profile. For example, if the first device is a USB SpeechMike microphone and the second device is a Philips Digital Recorder, then the USB Microphone and Digital recorder types would be used to create two (2) separate Dictation Sources for the same existing user profile.
  • Depending on the Dictation Source type being added, additional training may be necessary to ensure accurate voice recognition.

Benefit of Additional Dictation Sources

By adding an additional Dictation Source to an existing user profile, the Dictation Sources will use the same vocabulary. Therefore, any vocabulary changes and accuracy improvements performed will be accessible by both Dictation Sources. If a new user profile is created, the vocabularies remain separate.

Procedure to Add an Additional Dictation Source:

  1. From the DragonBar, open the Open User Profile window.
  2. Select an existing user profile for which an additional Dictation Source should be created.
  3. Click the Source button and then click New. This displays the New Dictation Source dialog box.

  4. Select a new input device from the list of Dictation Source types on the New Dictation Source dialog box.

  5. Click OK, returning to the Open User Profile dialog box.
  6. Select the user with the new Dictation Source and click Open.
  7. Follow the instructions in the Audio Setup Wizard to configure the new Dictation Source.
  8. Once completed, open the user profile with the new Dictation Source and begin dictating.

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution #16541: Adding an Additional Dictation Source in Dragon Medical.

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Did you know how to determine if PowerMic Microphones require repair?

When a provider experiences trouble using their PowerMic microphone or is presented with a message stating that their PowerMic microphone is disconnected, the problem may not be with the microphone itself.

For Dragon Medical customers with a PowerMic that is inoperable and suspect it needs repair, please follow the basic steps below to assist in isolating their PowerMic as the actual source of the problem:

  1. In the Dragon Medical Open User window, ensure the correct Dictation Source of “PowerMic” is assigned to the user profile.
  2. Verify there is a PowerMic tab under the Dragon Medical client's User Options window.
  3. Try re-seating the PowerMic into another USB port to see if another USB port resolves the issue.
  4. Try using the PowerMic on another workstation to see if this is a workstation issue.
  5. Check that the Windows operating system recognizes the PowerMic through its Audio and Sound Properties.
  6. Temporarily disable the anti-virus application and confirm that Nuance's recommended anti-virus exclusions are present.

If after following the above steps, the problem is isolated to the PowerMic, please call the Nuance Customer Account Management Center (CAMC) to submit a repair request for this device, at:

800.339.7683 ...and say "Customer Account Management

PowerMic repairs are coordinated through CAMC, available Monday through Friday, 8AM - 5PM EST, excluding holidays.

Defective microphones will be replaced at no charge if protected by an active maintenance contract. However, if a unit requires repair and is not protected under a maintenance contract, the PowerMic may be repaired at a flat charge of $202.00 (charge subject to change).

Supplemental iSupport Solutions for troubleshooting PowerMic issues:

#12751: Troubleshooting Input Device Installation: USB Device Cleanup
#14263: Resolving USB Device detection issues with Dragon Medical
#15981: Anti-Virus recommendations for Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition

To learn more and to keep current with any changes to this topic, log in to iSupport and search for solution #16542: Dragon.log File Essentials for Dragon Medical clients.

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Driven By Dragon - Webinar SeriesiSupport

If you have previously registered for future webinars, please register again to receive new meeting coordinates. This is due to Nuance upgrading its WebEx capability.

The next quarterly webinar for our Dragon Medical customers is: Thursday, January 8th, 2015.

To register for future Webinars, please click the Register links

Click to Register

Thursday, January 8th, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST

Click to Register

Thursday, April 9th, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST

Click to Register

Thursday, July 9th, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST

Click to Register

Thursday, October 8th, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST

On October 9th, Dragon Medical Technical Support presented our latest Driven by Dragon webinar. The presented content included the following topics:

  • Customer Stories
  • New and pending software releases for Dragon Medical products
  • Documentation and iSupport content improvements
  • Technical Spotlight: Nina Virtual Assistant
  • Question and Answer

To review recorded Webinars from the Driven By Dragon series, please click the video links below:

Dragon Medical Driven By Dragon
Quarterly Webinar Recordings

Description Length

4Q' 2014 - October 9


51 MB


3Q' 2014 - July 10


20 MB


To learn more about the Driven by Dragon Webinar Series and to keep current with any changes to this topic, including external links to recorded video for customers without iSupport access, log in to iSupport and search for solution:
#16449: Dragon Medical "Driven by Dragon" - Quarterly Customer Webinar Series

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may get started with iSupport.

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NinaWhat's New with Nina?

The Nina Intelligent Virtual Assistant is a text-based, chat-window hosted on your iSupport Home tab that delivers self-serve support.

Nina offers a human-like, conversational approach when communicating with our customers. The focus for Nina is to quickly and accurately answer common customer questions about the Dragon Medical product.

While Nina constantly learns from dialoging with users. Additionally, in order to improve our customer's experience, the Dragon Medical Support Team continues to add new content. New content for this month includes:

  • New error message handling
  • Expanded error message content
  • UI improvements

So, please continue to ask Nina your questions!

Press the play button on the following eTIPS video image for a brief demonstration about Nina.

Nina Video

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iSupportWhat's New

Dragon Medical Practice Edition, version 2.2
with Windows 8.1 support
(released 12/1/14)

For a complete listing of all updates for all released versions, login to iSupport and search for solutions:

#14274: Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition - What's New and Can I download the Current Version?"

#14640: Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?

If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

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iSupportiSupport is a Proven Timesaver

iSupport is an Internet based support site where you can search our dynamic knowledge base for answers to your questions, access our library of operational manuals and quick reference guides, view the latest product enhancements, and submit online requests for service.

iSupport Knowledge Base Content Update:
A number of important knowledge base articles have been added or reissued with updated information to iSupport, as follows:

  • #12612 "Failed to launch UI automation server / 64 bit server" error when launching Dragon Medical
  • #14274 Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition or Enterprise Edition What's New and Can I Download the Current Version?
  • #16567 PowerMic and Speech Mike support and setup via RDP in SAS SDK
  • #16543 The Dragon Medical ERROR Matrix
  • #14526 Dragon Medical Practice Edition User Documentation
  • #14640 Dragon Medical Practice Edition - What's New and Can I Download Replacement Software?
  • #14120 eTIPS Newsletter Archive - Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition & Dragon Medical Practice Edition
  • #14107 DMNE Disconnected Mode vs. Offline Mode
  • #16430 DM360: PowerPack™/Search My Commands™/Clinical Calculators™ - Software Download and Documentation
  • #16549 Backing up Dragon Medical user profiles

To see the details of any item on the above listing, simply log in to iSupport and search for the article number that precedes each item.

Getting Started with iSupport
Registered iSupport members are able to use the full features of iSupport and submit online service requests. Click Getting Started with iSupport to view instructions on how to register to become an iSupport member.

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Contact SupportContacting Support

A dedicated Healthcare Support team available 24x7x365 services customers who have an active maintenance contract with Nuance.

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

This organization can offer assistance via remote on-line connectivity to your systems. It's available toll-free at 800 833-7776 via our "Say Anything" menu. At the prompt simply say:

    "Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition Support" or
    "Dragon Medical Practice Edition"

On the other hand, save the call and access Nuance Healthcare's Support Center through our iSupport, Internet-based website at If you are not an iSupport subscriber, click iSupport Timesaver for information about how you may become an iSupport member.

Nuance Depot Repair Service

Click here for a Web Form to submit a Depot Repair Service Request for Connexions Station (C-phone), Optic Mic, PowerMic, Philips Speech Mic, tape-based recording devices, digital recorders, etc. iSupport members can save time by simply logging in to iSupport and submitting a service request choosing "Depot" as the Request Type.

NOTE: There is no need to submit a Depot Repair Service Request on a PowerMic under a current Nuance Maintenance Contract. Call Nuance's Customer Account Management team at 800-339-7683 to get the broken PowerMic replaced. At the prompt simply say, "PowerMic Replacement."

Nuance Healthcare Technical Support

Additional information about how to contact Nuance's customer support team is available at the following Nuance Technical Support websites:

Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition:

Dragon Medical Practice Edition:

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Nuance Welcomes Your Feedback

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to reply to this email with your comments or suggestions.

We would love to hear your ideas for future eTIPS newsletters. If you have an idea, suggestion or an article you would like included in our eTIPS newsletter,
Click here
to email your idea to our eTIPS editor.

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy workday to allow us this opportunity to keep you informed about Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services.


Nuance Healthcare Solutions Global Support Services
Nuance Communications, Inc.

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